A-TEAM!!!! A close second is "American Gladiator." Soon to be added to this list is Fox's "Reunion," as it was announced that only 13 episodes (instead of the full 22) will air, and then it will be placed in the circular file.
sex in the city, the wonder years, the golden girls, freaks and geeks, three's company, (the old) roseanne, (the old) cosby show (before all the kids grew up!), the jeffersons, seinfeld, little house on the prairie (I love it even if I make fun of it the whole time I'm watching it...), friends
Wonder years Alf 90210 beverly hills Hogans Family Family Ties The Dinasour baby and family(cant remember the name of the show) Roseanne (all reruns anymore) Laverne and Shirley Threes Company Friends Melrose Place Mr. Belvedere The Facts of Life 21 Jumpstreet Growing Pains Gimme a Break Whos the Boss The Jetsons Rainbow Brite(cartoon) The Smurfs Charles in Charge Punky Brewster
Thats just to name a few I can remember. LOL, a few. I love tv shows.
At 1:10 PM,
space monkey said…
men behaving badly was a great show
Fire fly was incredible
in all honesty I think the mark of a reely good show is that it gets canceled
At 1:29 PM,
Clandestine said…
punky brewster!
At 1:48 PM,
AKH said…
I loved Once & Again. That and the Golden Girls. Luckily even if they stop making new episodes, at least you can buy the old ones on DVD.
At 2:12 PM,
Sublime said…
My favorite was always Soap or Good Times.
At 3:53 PM,
Kris said…
Three's Company
Chicago Hope
...were great shows!
At 4:29 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
A close second is "American Gladiator."
Soon to be added to this list is Fox's "Reunion," as it was announced that only 13 episodes (instead of the full 22) will air, and then it will be placed in the circular file.
At 6:01 PM,
nancy =) said…
3rd rock from the sun...omg the writing on that show was divine...
At 10:08 PM,
I n g e r said…
I was a sucker for thoroughly unrealistic family stuff, like Little House and the Waltons. I think I know every episode of each.
At 10:15 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Judging Amy and Friends for recent shows. Sisters and 30-Something for semi-older shows.
At 11:26 PM,
Mad Ethel said…
At 12:54 AM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
sex in the city, the wonder years, the golden girls, freaks and geeks, three's company, (the old) roseanne, (the old) cosby show (before all the kids grew up!), the jeffersons, seinfeld, little house on the prairie (I love it even if I make fun of it the whole time I'm watching it...), friends
At 11:35 AM,
timothy said…
Futurama was great, and Family Guy is back on after being cancelled...
I read this is Arrested Developments last season, which makes me sad way down deep inside!
At 2:17 PM,
Ryan said…
Eerie, Indiana
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
and The Rosie 0'Donnel Show - who's blog I found you by. ;)
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Days!!!
Aaaah. those were the days....
At 11:57 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
Wonder years
90210 beverly hills
Hogans Family
Family Ties
The Dinasour baby and family(cant remember the name of the show)
Roseanne (all reruns anymore)
Laverne and Shirley
Threes Company
Melrose Place
Mr. Belvedere
The Facts of Life
21 Jumpstreet
Growing Pains
Gimme a Break
Whos the Boss
The Jetsons
Rainbow Brite(cartoon)
The Smurfs
Charles in Charge
Punky Brewster
Thats just to name a few I can remember. LOL, a few. I love tv shows.
At 1:52 PM,
fruitydog said…
Sex and the City
X Files
Hobo Kelly
At 2:13 PM,
Stacy said…
Roswell, Jason Behr -- I miss you.
Roseanne was the epitome of my own family, thus, I miss her too.
Dawson's Creek. not really. heh :D
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