I'll take deaf. The world is too fascinating a place to miss out on visually. Deafness might actually be handy. There's quite a few people I'd like to tune out. PLus...you can still comunicate when you're deaf.
I would choose deafness. I could still feel the beat of music and see facial expressions. I would sure miss music and the sound of loved ones' voices though.
Without a doubt, or a moment's hesitation-- I'd take blindness, for two resaons. First, music is my life. I listen, study, play and write music. (Yes, I know Beethoven was deaf, but he was an incredibly gifted man!) I would rather have days filled with music that see the most beautiful sunset... Second reason is that in college, my roommate was blind-- he lost his sight 3 years earlier-- and he taught me things like how to read braille, feel my way through a building and how to use a cane.
As much as I appreciate my sense of hearing, I'd have to choose being deaf over being blind, if only for practical reasons of not having to rely on others so much.
i would choose blindness over deafness...i have lost my sense of smell, and since i've lost that sense it seems my sense of hearing has become more keen...i seem to hear things more intensely than others...i would not mind a darkened world as much as i would a silent world...
I'd take deaf as well. I walk around alot with my headphones on so I don't really listen to the world anyway. :) Although I would miss music and it would be a pain to have to read the TV, but at least I would be able to watch it.
Deaf. To not be able to read (braille doesn't count) and see pictures would just be horrible. I could still communicate through the written word and through sign, to some extent.
i would shrivel up without music, without the sound of a loved ones voice, without the silence of snow floating down, or the sound of thunder. I have seen so much already in my life, that it would be easy to imagine most anything, and what can't be imagined can be touched, smelled, tasted, or otherwise sensed. I have seen my children grown, my grandchildren born....and the rest would only be repeats. i could give up sight.
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'll take deaf. The world is too fascinating a place to miss out on visually.
Deafness might actually be handy. There's quite a few people I'd like to tune out.
PLus...you can still comunicate when you're deaf.
At 1:48 PM,
danielle said…
deaf. - i second jamie, it might actually come in hand.
At 2:06 PM,
timothy said…
Deaf! Then I would have an excuse when my girlfriend says "You never listen to me!"
Plus, it would totally get me out of having to listen to her!
At 2:10 PM,
Stacy said…
i'll take blind. i couldn't live without music. plus, there are a lot of prejudices that arise from the sense of sight.
At 3:05 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
I would choose deafness. I could still feel the beat of music and see facial expressions. I would sure miss music and the sound of loved ones' voices though.
At 4:46 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
Without a doubt, or a moment's hesitation-- I'd take blindness, for two resaons. First, music is my life. I listen, study, play and write music. (Yes, I know Beethoven was deaf, but he was an incredibly gifted man!) I would rather have days filled with music that see the most beautiful sunset... Second reason is that in college, my roommate was blind-- he lost his sight 3 years earlier-- and he taught me things like how to read braille, feel my way through a building and how to use a cane.
At 5:24 PM,
Archibaldq said…
As much as I appreciate my sense of hearing, I'd have to choose being deaf over being blind, if only for practical reasons of not having to rely on others so much.
At 5:33 PM,
nancy =) said…
i would choose blindness over deafness...i have lost my sense of smell, and since i've lost that sense it seems my sense of hearing has become more keen...i seem to hear things more intensely than others...i would not mind a darkened world as much as i would a silent world...
At 6:02 PM,
AKH said…
I'd take deaf as well. I walk around alot with my headphones on so I don't really listen to the world anyway. :) Although I would miss music and it would be a pain to have to read the TV, but at least I would be able to watch it.
At 6:06 PM,
author said…
deaf .
although hearing music and my
children saying Mom would be
a huge loss.
Not seeing them grow would
be worse.
At 9:06 PM,
babyjewels said…
Deaf. Definitely deaf. I'd freak out and feel very vulnerable if I couldn't see.
At 9:54 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Deaf. To not be able to read (braille doesn't count) and see pictures would just be horrible. I could still communicate through the written word and through sign, to some extent.
At 1:08 AM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Deaf. But never hearing loved one's voices or music again would be...well, not as bad as being blind!
At 11:40 AM,
fruitydog said…
deaf. i have enough balance that wihout sight i'd be falling all the time like a total drunk. besides i already know sign language. but heaven forbid.
oh wait, the chance to never see dubya's face????? may be worth it.
At 11:43 AM,
fruitydog said…
oops. balance ISSUES.
evidently, typing or sight issues too!!
At 10:47 PM,
whispers said…
i would shrivel up without music, without the sound of a loved ones voice, without the silence of snow floating down, or the sound of thunder. I have seen so much already in my life, that it would be easy to imagine most anything, and what can't be imagined can be touched, smelled, tasted, or otherwise sensed. I have seen my children grown, my grandchildren born....and the rest would only be repeats. i could give up sight.
At 4:43 PM,
Ritmeyer said…
BLind, my newphew is and he is a happy kid and he could also teach me braile and shit.
At 11:04 AM,
superjay said…
Blind. Because listening to the radio is better than the TV on mute.
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