Besides my own emotional drama of the day, I went to a Silver Stars WNBA game last night. They played the LA Sparks. I watched Lisa Leslie be a total jerk on the floor. She is one mean, thoughtless player. She had the audacity to slap Katie Feentra. Not just push away a hand but actually slap. Not nice. Ref. gave her a technical on it, but then they ended up reversing it to just a foul. Sucked. Then later she grabbed and twisted at LaToya's right arm and shoulder, and she's just recovering from a serious shoulder injury, that could have ended her season. She did that after whistle, no less. Uncalled for, unsportswoman like. Just down and dirty. The entire arena booed her. First time they've done that. We're usually really good fans. She deserved it. Had some popcorn at the game, yummy! Setup a new coffeepot last night before we went to bed, checked email and blogs, wrote on my blog comments, and then read for awhile until my brain settled down.
yesterday was just your average day for me...the highlight of my day was a pedicure =) has been so hot here that every time i go outside my brain turns into oatmeal...that's all i've got to say about yesterday...peas...
Work was a little harrowing - we were a couple of people short, which meant that there were fewer of us all day to answer customers' calls. However, that also meant a came in (and left) an hour early.
Late in the workday, I sent an instant message to one of my sisters (who happened to have her webcam on, so I could see my nephew home safe and sound in between tours of duty in Iraq). They gave me another sister's Yahoo address, and we chatted a little.
In the evening, went out for Chinese food - I had sauteed snow peas, and they were very tasty (I also ended up finishing a friend's chicken, for those worried about my protein quota) - then to a movie called "Murderball," a really intense, moving documentary about wheelchair rugby (and a film that is SOOOOO for grown folks only)
Yesterday was my first official day back at work. Got up at the crack of dawn for the first time in ages. That was no fun.
The morning was the usual boring first day back stuff. Presentations that went on too long about things that we already know about. We have two new assistant principals who seem to think we are all new to the campus, so that was fun and condescending.
I do not have access to my classroom yet, so I didn't get much work done. That was the worst part of the day. So I spent most of the afternoon helping a friend set up her classroom (most teachers moved into entirely new classrooms, so "setting up" is quite a chore).
After work I went to get my car out of the shop (yeah!) and had dinner and wine with a friend. We played some cards and watched baseball. It was a good night to have after the first day back at work.
I looked for new work all morning. Ripped wallpaper off of the bathroom wall all afternoon. And last night I watched the uncut version of Once Upon A Time in America--the one where they don't edit out the rape scene. That flick just gets inside me.
A friend, whose infant daughter died from an undiagnosed infection last year, brought home her newly adopted child yesterday. She was holding this beautiful, sweet baby in her arms, and though mother/newborn shots always choke me up, still I can see in her hollow eyes that her heart is shattered into fifty pieces. And though I love her, I wonder if hers were the right arms, right now, for this new little girl.
I was still in Cabridge, MA for a big multi-day business conference. Sat through a number of sessions and while we were preparing for an outdoor group photo, a surprise thunder and lightning storm erupted, forcing all to rush inside. A fairly onery storm, from what I saw on the TV before going to bed.
Yesterday all I did was make a doctors appointment, send a fax to obtain my daughters birth certificate from Tennessee and contimplated going back into the military.But luckily, I put that thought out of my mind really quick.
Woke up let the dogs out, gave everyone their medicine, the ex came over to get the kids. Saw her engagement ring, thankful that mine is bigger! Sat on the porch and read my harry potter book, while hubby power washed the fence. Watch part of "long kiss goodnight" with Gena Davis. Good movie! Made spaghetti for lunch and read some more. Went to home depot twice and found the tiffany post lamps! Yeah! Helped hubby put up new boards on the fence and went to Bob and Jens house to play in the pool, and take care of their dogs while they are away. Was really really exhausted by the end of the day. Used new lap top! Love wireless internet.
thirteen hours of hell. watching people be simply stupid. but such is life. aside from the benefit of watching the inteligence of the world i listen to music and crop pictures of the cats. while waiting for a short miracle to come my way and for the day to just dissapear like it had never existed.
At 12:13 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Besides my own emotional drama of the day, I went to a Silver Stars WNBA game last night. They played the LA Sparks. I watched Lisa Leslie be a total jerk on the floor. She is one mean, thoughtless player. She had the audacity to slap Katie Feentra. Not just push away a hand but actually slap. Not nice. Ref. gave her a technical on it, but then they ended up reversing it to just a foul. Sucked. Then later she grabbed and twisted at LaToya's right arm and shoulder, and she's just recovering from a serious shoulder injury, that could have ended her season. She did that after whistle, no less. Uncalled for, unsportswoman like. Just down and dirty. The entire arena booed her. First time they've done that. We're usually really good fans. She deserved it. Had some popcorn at the game, yummy! Setup a new coffeepot last night before we went to bed, checked email and blogs, wrote on my blog comments, and then read for awhile until my brain settled down.
At 12:44 PM,
nancy =) said…
yesterday was just your average day for me...the highlight of my day was a pedicure =) has been so hot here that every time i go outside my brain turns into oatmeal...that's all i've got to say about yesterday...peas...
At 3:09 PM,
Blogzie said…
I spent the entire day yesterday trying to get that gosh darned 'Macarena' song out of my head.
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena
Que tuhuelce paralla legria cosabuena
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena Eeeh, macarena
I don't know how it got in there, but it is hell on earth.
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena
Que tuhuelce paralla legria cosabuena
A la tuhuelpa legria macarena Eeeh, macarena
Oh, I also did laundry and cooked a fabulous lemon garlic chicken.
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Work was a little harrowing - we were a couple of people short, which meant that there were fewer of us all day to answer customers' calls. However, that also meant a came in (and left) an hour early.
Late in the workday, I sent an instant message to one of my sisters (who happened to have her webcam on, so I could see my nephew home safe and sound in between tours of duty in Iraq). They gave me another sister's Yahoo address, and we chatted a little.
In the evening, went out for Chinese food - I had sauteed snow peas, and they were very tasty (I also ended up finishing a friend's chicken, for those worried about my protein quota) - then to a movie called "Murderball," a really intense, moving documentary about wheelchair rugby (and a film that is SOOOOO for grown folks only)
At 5:15 PM,
Valerie said…
Yesterday was my first official day back at work. Got up at the crack of dawn for the first time in ages. That was no fun.
The morning was the usual boring first day back stuff. Presentations that went on too long about things that we already know about. We have two new assistant principals who seem to think we are all new to the campus, so that was fun and condescending.
I do not have access to my classroom yet, so I didn't get much work done. That was the worst part of the day. So I spent most of the afternoon helping a friend set up her classroom (most teachers moved into entirely new classrooms, so "setting up" is quite a chore).
After work I went to get my car out of the shop (yeah!) and had dinner and wine with a friend. We played some cards and watched baseball. It was a good night to have after the first day back at work.
At 5:33 PM,
I n g e r said…
I looked for new work all morning. Ripped wallpaper off of the bathroom wall all afternoon. And last night I watched the uncut version of Once Upon A Time in America--the one where they don't edit out the rape scene. That flick just gets inside me.
A friend, whose infant daughter died from an undiagnosed infection last year, brought home her newly adopted child yesterday. She was holding this beautiful, sweet baby in her arms, and though mother/newborn shots always choke me up, still I can see in her hollow eyes that her heart is shattered into fifty pieces. And though I love her, I wonder if hers were the right arms, right now, for this new little girl.
At 7:13 PM,
Greg said…
I was still in Cabridge, MA for a big multi-day business conference. Sat through a number of sessions and while we were preparing for an outdoor group photo, a surprise thunder and lightning storm erupted, forcing all to rush inside. A fairly onery storm, from what I saw on the TV before going to bed.
At 9:45 PM,
sdk said…
Yesterday, I worked on the new website for about 7 hours. Then I spent 6 hours at the duplex next door cleaning and prepping it for new tenants.
Nothing really stood out, it was an unbelievably un-remarkable day.
At 10:54 PM,
arcane said…
Yesterday all I did was make a doctors appointment, send a fax to obtain my daughters birth certificate from Tennessee and contimplated going back into the military.But luckily, I put that thought out of my mind really quick.
At 4:09 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
Yesterday was the same ole boring crap that we live for day to day. Work, Work, Work. Then I came home just to fight with my girl. Lovely.
At 11:31 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
I went to the grocery store. It was a lovey day in the neighborhood.
At 12:03 PM,
Kaycee said…
Woke up let the dogs out, gave everyone their medicine, the ex came over to get the kids. Saw her engagement ring, thankful that mine is bigger! Sat on the porch and read my harry potter book, while hubby power washed the fence. Watch part of "long kiss goodnight" with Gena Davis. Good movie! Made spaghetti for lunch and read some more. Went to home depot twice and found the tiffany post lamps! Yeah! Helped hubby put up new boards on the fence and went to Bob and Jens house to play in the pool, and take care of their dogs while they are away. Was really really exhausted by the end of the day. Used new lap top! Love wireless internet.
At 12:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
thirteen hours of hell. watching people be simply stupid. but such is life. aside from the benefit of watching the inteligence of the world i listen to music and crop pictures of the cats. while waiting for a short miracle to come my way and for the day to just dissapear like it had never existed.
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