I would like to have the power to awaken people to who they truly are (kind, loving, forgiving, etc.) and show them there's another way of looking at their life/problems.
I wish everyone could see this world is 'perfect', and as perfect as perfect can be. There are wrongs and tragedies in this world that I see, but when we put every little piece together, it simply is...
The ability to still talk to loved one who've died, specifically my parents. I've gotten sort of used to not seeing them, but to not at least be able to pick up the phone and go "Hey mom, guess what...", or to get my dad's advice on something just kills me.
My superpower would be to heal. I would heal the Earth of the harmful acts done to her. I would heal the sick for the illnesses that ravage their minds and bodies. I would heal the hearts of the broken hearted. Most importantly, I would heal the souls of the unbelievers.
i would like the power to be invisable...then i could really be a "fly on the wall" whenever i wanted to be, and it would help quench my thirst for "the truth"...
I believe we were all born with super powers. It's unfortunate that only a small percentage of humans are able to raise their consciousness enough to be able to demonstrate their gifts. We all know the famous ones: Jesus, Buddah, Mohammed, Moses, etc. It seemed they were extraordinary, but we all have God's idea of itself inside each of us. I would like to awaken to the power within myself and express whatever it is I am meant to express. I would love to be able to manifest/demonstrate my individual gifts.
As an aside, I wouldn't want to skip the hard work or the journey that brought me to my potential. Without the hardships along the way, I wouldn't be able to hold on to my power and I would want all the lessons to be with me so I never misuse my power.
I would like the power to see into the future and see whats in store for the lives of my kids. And then I would want the abilty to change things if need be.
It probly seems pretty conventional compared to you guys. But ever since I was a little kid I wanted the power to fly, so I can escape when people are mean to me or I feel uncomfortable in a social situation. I used to close my eyes and imagine flying up into the air and then coming down and beating the shit out of my persecutors.
I'm with P. on this one. The ability to read people's thoughts. Though conversations would be a little moot because I'd know what the person was saying before they said it.
For myself, telekinesis. Could also use it to save people, and use it to fly.
And doing the dishes from a distance would just rock!
That and experiencing that whole E.T. flying the bicycle in front of the moon thing would be pretty cool, if slightly silly. :)
Give me two powers, man!
Oh, wait. I suppose, with sufficient telekinesis abilities, healing could be done as well, pushing and pulling things on the micro-level. Uhm, nevermind... I think I'd need a medical degree to do it right... let's just say ability to heal AND telekinesis. :)
Ok, and shape changing. Would love to become something that can go deep into the ocean w/o having to take scuba gear.
From what I can see...super powers never did anyone or certainly any country any good. I'd just settle for all of us using the power we all have within and making this world a truly incredible place to be for each and EVERYONE of us.
Make Nigeria a better country. Make the international world realise the guy they think is combatting crime is stealing more than any one in power has ever stolen and also to realise people are suffering there now more than they ever did when all the military dictator ships were in reign.
At 12:29 PM,
Sublime said…
I would like to have the power to awaken people to who they truly are (kind, loving, forgiving, etc.) and show them there's another way of looking at their life/problems.
At 12:41 PM,
Robert said…
I wish everyone could see this world is 'perfect', and as perfect as perfect can be. There are wrongs and tragedies in this world that I see, but when we put every little piece together, it simply is...
At 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Might sound cheesy, but the ability to heal.
At 2:56 PM,
Sublime said…
Doesn't sound cheesy at all Mark! After all the basis of the question is "super-powers"...lol.
At 3:06 PM,
SassyFemme said…
The ability to still talk to loved one who've died, specifically my parents. I've gotten sort of used to not seeing them, but to not at least be able to pick up the phone and go "Hey mom, guess what...", or to get my dad's advice on something just kills me.
At 3:15 PM,
HappyKap said…
To fly. I'd use it all the time for *everything*.
At 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
My superpower would be to heal. I would heal the Earth of the harmful acts done to her. I would heal the sick for the illnesses that ravage their minds and bodies. I would heal the hearts of the broken hearted. Most importantly, I would heal the souls of the unbelievers.
At 4:23 PM,
nancy =) said…
i would like the power to be invisable...then i could really be a "fly on the wall" whenever i wanted to be, and it would help quench my thirst for "the truth"...
At 5:58 PM,
I n g e r said…
I have no clue. My son, though, says he'd choose the power to change into animals, and his super-power name would be...Animal Guy.
I, then, would have to be SuperMagnet Woman, to thwart hunters while Liamy's on the prowl.
At 6:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
I believe we were all born with super powers. It's unfortunate that only a small percentage of humans are able to raise their consciousness enough to be able to demonstrate their gifts. We all know the famous ones: Jesus, Buddah, Mohammed, Moses, etc. It seemed they were extraordinary, but we all have God's idea of itself inside each of us. I would like to awaken to the power within myself and express whatever it is I am meant to express. I would love to be able to manifest/demonstrate my individual gifts.
As an aside, I wouldn't want to skip the hard work or the journey that brought me to my potential. Without the hardships along the way, I wouldn't be able to hold on to my power and I would want all the lessons to be with me so I never misuse my power.
At 7:13 PM,
arcane said…
I would like the power to see into the future and see whats in store for the lives of my kids. And then I would want the abilty to change things if need be.
At 7:23 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
I would like the ability to be invisible. Or to time-travel.
Fly on the wall, so to speak. Or to zip around in the past and look at the actual events instead of reading about them.
At 8:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would heal. No doubt about it.
At 11:44 PM,
And the Past Recedes... said…
I want invisibility, I'd go everywhere and no one would see me. Play pracitcal jokes...that would be fun.
At 12:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
It probly seems pretty conventional compared to you guys. But ever since I was a little kid I wanted the power to fly, so I can escape when people are mean to me or I feel uncomfortable in a social situation. I used to close my eyes and imagine flying up into the air and then coming down and beating the shit out of my persecutors.
At 1:25 AM,
Bent Fabric said…
I'm with P. on this one. The ability to read people's thoughts. Though conversations would be a little moot because I'd know what the person was saying before they said it.
Either that or the power to be invisible.
At 1:27 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
to be invisisble so that no one can see me if I don't want them too.
At 3:14 PM,
Sith Snoopy said…
For my fellow man, to heal.
For myself, telekinesis. Could also use it to save people, and use it to fly.
And doing the dishes from a distance would just rock!
That and experiencing that whole E.T. flying the bicycle in front of the moon thing would be pretty cool, if slightly silly. :)
Give me two powers, man!
Oh, wait. I suppose, with sufficient telekinesis abilities, healing could be done as well, pushing and pulling things on the micro-level. Uhm, nevermind... I think I'd need a medical degree to do it right... let's just say ability to heal AND telekinesis. :)
Ok, and shape changing. Would love to become something that can go deep into the ocean w/o having to take scuba gear.
Ok, I need 3 powers. :)
At 9:44 PM,
sdk said…
I'd like to have Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak. I'm thinking a lot of crimes could be solved just by being an invisible fly on the wall...
At 11:30 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
From what I can see...super powers never did anyone or certainly any country any good. I'd just settle for all of us using the power we all have within and making this world a truly incredible place to be for each and EVERYONE of us.
At 12:36 PM,
Crash said…
I'm going to go with healing, too.
At 2:54 PM,
pawzz said…
the one where I could absorb peoples illnesses & pain then disolve it...
At 12:49 AM,
Ms Enigme said…
Make Nigeria a better country. Make the international world realise the guy they think is combatting crime is stealing more than any one in power has ever stolen and also to realise people are suffering there now more than they ever did when all the military dictator ships were in reign.
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