Sixteenth Question
Have you ever had unexpected positive results emerge from a seemingly bad situation? Explain one thing in your life that started out bad, but ended up good.
Question yourself. Post your own answer. Give to receive.
At 2:16 PM,
I n g e r said…
I had an affair with a married man, and I got pregnant. The affair was bad enough: I was the first person in my extended family to become a single parent. I didn't think I'd survive the pregnancy and the first six months of my daughter's life: insane emotions--shame, heartache, anger--and exhaustion, and intense solitude. My grandfather used to say that even metal isn't strong until it's been through the fire.
My daughter is a jewel on the earth. My life became beautiful when she came into it.
At 3:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
One night, while away at a convention, a doe shot out from the side of a small-town rode and completely hammered the driver's side of my car. On an interstate highway, two days later, a man in a borrowed Cadillac changed lanes into the other side of my car. My 1993 Camry looked like it had been in a domolition derby by the time I got home from the convention. The insurance checks from both accidents totaled approximately $3k. While still undecided on what to use the money for (fix car, or try to better my wage-earning abilities), I totalled the Camry in a spectacular accident, wherein no one was seriously injured.
Before these three accidents, I was insolvent, completely burried in a pile of financial difficulty.
After these accidents, I was out from underneath my car loan, paid up on my bills, and had enough left over to buy an '89 VW Fox from an English professor. Not exactly movie material, this tale, but it sure turned my situation around. Providence can be the most beautiful thing.
Thank you, Jesus.
At 3:47 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
On two separate occasions I was told I may have breast cancer. Thankfully, it turned out not to be true.
At 7:08 PM,
sttropezbutler said…
This is going to sound corny, but when something crummy happens I do try and turn it into a positive. I guess that is the beauty of being on the planet for a while. Course it doesn't always work...but sitting here thinking...I look back and it all turned out pretty damn good!
At 7:09 PM,
sttropezbutler said…
Inger...that was a total cool post!
At 10:23 PM,
Sith Snoopy said…
1. Got laid off from my job in 1995. Companies wanted C++ or Visual Basic. I knew C and Basic for DOS. Visual Basic class was full. C++ class wasn't.
Met my husband in C++. :)
2. Got laid off from my job in 2002. My Mom was struggling with her congestive heart failure. Because I had some free time, I was able to drive her to various doctor appointments, while she talked to different doctors and finally, thank God, got her medication in balance so that her congestive heart failure was being better managed.
At 12:54 AM,
nancy =) said…
my second child, my son, was husband, although he had totally participated in this production, did not want another child...well, i said to him, too bad -- it's on it's way...he was unsupportive throughout the pregnancy and really unsupportive after the birth of his when my son was only 4 weeks old i took both of my kids and moved out on my own...we were seperated for a year and a half, but finally he came to see what a brilliant beam of light this child of his was and we got back together and 18 years later we're still going strong...i never really look at situations as "good" or "bad"...just "what is" and then keep chugging along from there...peace...
At 10:06 AM,
SassyFemme said…
I've thought about this over and over. I can't think of any situation. Guess I'm out for this one.
At 1:11 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
A car accident finally woke me up to how horrible a person my husband was and motivated me to leave him. It was the best decision I ever made. It also introduced me to my massage therapist, who is a great friend and spiritual advisor.
At 2:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
In my senior year of college, I took a seminar that I frequently missed due to the combination of a weird work schedule and too much nightclubbing. As a result, I was bound for an F.
However, I had spoken to the professor late in the semester and got him to change the grade to "Incomplete"... in exchange for a case study on the primary topic of the seminar. That resulted in even later nights for the ensuing three months (Thankfully, my course load was nonexistent my final semester.).
In the end, he gave me a B- for the case study... and the class! I would not be an official college graduate without that gesture on that professor's part.
At 9:30 PM,
sdk said…
Yep. Mom died. From that, I grew up into the person I am today.
At 1:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry for omitting to sign - I posted the above.
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