I'm really having trouble with this question. There are so many quick, easy things that come to mind; new car, swimming pool w/spa for the back yard, jacuzzi tub, jewelry, etc... But the thing is, when I seriously think about it I wouldn't choose any of these. The things that I would want most aren't material things for me. I want there to be cures for diseases that take people we love far too soon, I want there to medicine and proper care for people who can't afford it, I want an end to the biogtry and hatred that encompasses our world.
The kids and I live in a Revolutionary War-era house that's about the size of a 2-car garage. The only thing that creates conflict between us is space: nobody has an inch to themselves. If I could have one thing, it would be to add on 1,000 square feet. Sanity-saving stuff.
I had trouble with this question myself, Sassyfemme! Because all the things I want most aren't materialeither... But, I threw "material" into the question on purpose. I'm saving "non-material" things for a later question.
So, pick which thing you'd like most and have fun with it!
WOW!! This is super tough to answer. I guess I'd have to say, that I'd love to own a "FAMILY" resort somewhere warm. Then me and my family could work and live there. It would be some place special for others to visit on vacation, etc. with their partners and kids.
Ahh! But the questions was about material things. Why is it so hard to accept our wanting material things without feeling guilty. Everyone has one or two things we want for our selves and that isn't selfish! I like to celebrate my wants not indulge them always but at least enjoy them. I want a giant beach house on Emerald Isle, NC.
Okay, picking something.... Um..... I want to own a lesbian bookstore with a coffeehouse and rooms for meetings/gatherings.
That's actually something Fran and I have talked about for years. We don't have one in our city, have to go about an hour and a half north to get to one. It's our dream to own one if we ever had the funding for it.
I would love to have a great lake house. Just someplace to get away from the everyday pace of life. It wouldn't have to be huge, but comfortable with a great seating area by the lake. I would want it to be a place where people felt at ease coming to and remember the great times there with a smile.
My house.. specifically my mortgage paid off. I already live in my dream house and don't want to move EVER.. but it would be nice to have some extra $ every month for those other material things :)
It would be a 6 bedroom country house, with like 100 acres. My family would live there, as well as my poochers, my putty cat and the horse I'm seriously considering leasing, Toaders.
Hmm...I am going to assume that money is a given so I'll think of something else.
It sounds silly but I would want to be a proprietor of a toy store. Mostly because I love toys, probably because I didn't have any as a kid. Besides I love to see kids smile. And seriously, what kid doesn't love toys?
My other thing, and I don't know if this qualifies as material, would be to meet Mike Myers and tell him how he saved my life and how much he makes me laugh. As much I love to laugh I don't do it often.
I'd like to have an "E" ticket...remember those? Years ago at Disney, all the best rides were 'E' tickets...now I'd want one that would work anywhere, so I could take any train, plane subway, bus, bush taxi or boat anywhere in the world, and travel to my heart's content. I can't think of any THING I'd like better!
I would want to be able to kiss, hug, touch, put my arms around my girl in public without anyone staring or commenting on what we do. Just like straight people get to do without any problems. You know. That's what I want more then anything else in this world.
I want a big huge fully staffed & decorated & animalized ranch in the mountains, and I'm talking HUGE ranch with lots of trees and greenery for the animals, and all the feed and water they need, and people to take care of fences & such for me - and the ranch house must be complete with high speed internet. Then I can just move there, and not work, but live off the land and go out wandering on my ranch any time, and have friends up to hang out as long as they want, and all my food and books and such would be delivered by a totally hot UPS chick, and... need I continue? :p
If I could have one material thing for free it would be a nice house (by nice I mean a yard, 3 bedrooms, an office for my husband and a good neighborhood where I liked the school system. There are so many things I could do with rent money freed up. And it would be a lovely thing to own a home! Kathy
At 11:19 AM,
SassyFemme said…
I'm really having trouble with this question. There are so many quick, easy things that come to mind; new car, swimming pool w/spa for the back yard, jacuzzi tub, jewelry, etc... But the thing is, when I seriously think about it I wouldn't choose any of these. The things that I would want most aren't material things for me. I want there to be cures for diseases that take people we love far too soon, I want there to medicine and proper care for people who can't afford it, I want an end to the biogtry and hatred that encompasses our world.
At 11:26 AM,
I n g e r said…
The kids and I live in a Revolutionary War-era house that's about the size of a 2-car garage. The only thing that creates conflict between us is space: nobody has an inch to themselves. If I could have one thing, it would be to add on 1,000 square feet. Sanity-saving stuff.
At 11:30 AM,
Sublime said…
I had trouble with this question myself, Sassyfemme! Because all the things I want most aren't materialeither... But, I threw "material" into the question on purpose. I'm saving "non-material" things for a later question.
So, pick which thing you'd like most and have fun with it!
At 11:43 AM,
Sublime said…
I forgot to actually answer the question :)
WOW!! This is super tough to answer. I guess I'd have to say, that I'd love to own a "FAMILY" resort somewhere warm. Then me and my family could work and live there. It would be some place special for others to visit on vacation, etc. with their partners and kids.
At 12:07 PM,
HappyKap said…
A gorgeous, sun-filled, crazy huge windows, with all the ammenities beach house. Mmmmmmmm.
At 2:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ahh! But the questions was about material things. Why is it so hard to accept our wanting material things without feeling guilty. Everyone has one or two things we want for our selves and that isn't selfish! I like to celebrate my wants not indulge them always but at least enjoy them. I want a giant beach house on Emerald Isle, NC.
At 3:18 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Okay, picking something....
I want to own a lesbian bookstore with a coffeehouse and rooms for meetings/gatherings.
That's actually something Fran and I have talked about for years. We don't have one in our city, have to go about an hour and a half north to get to one. It's our dream to own one if we ever had the funding for it.
At 3:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would love to have a great lake house. Just someplace to get away from the everyday pace of life. It wouldn't have to be huge, but comfortable with a great seating area by the lake. I would want it to be a place where people felt at ease coming to and remember the great times there with a smile.
At 5:18 PM,
Julie Julie Bo Boolie said…
My house.. specifically my mortgage paid off. I already live in my dream house and don't want to move EVER.. but it would be nice to have some extra $ every month for those other material things :)
At 5:20 PM,
its just ME said…
a state of the art, nice, huge, comfy, dog shelter/ building of kennels, to house and foster all my dogs and give me room to help so many more.
At 5:34 PM,
sdk said…
It would be a 6 bedroom country house, with like 100 acres. My family would live there, as well as my poochers, my putty cat and the horse I'm seriously considering leasing, Toaders.
At 5:52 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
Hmm...I am going to assume that money is a given so I'll think of something else.
It sounds silly but I would want to be a proprietor of a toy store. Mostly because I love toys, probably because I didn't have any as a kid. Besides I love to see kids smile. And seriously, what kid doesn't love toys?
My other thing, and I don't know if this qualifies as material, would be to meet Mike Myers and tell him how he saved my life and how much he makes me laugh. As much I love to laugh I don't do it often.
At 7:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
One vault with twelve billion dollars, American, tax free. That should just about do it. That would open up a lot of churches..
At 8:31 PM,
Kelly said…
I'd like to have an "E" ticket...remember those? Years ago at Disney, all the best rides were
'E' tickets...now I'd want one that would work anywhere, so I could take any train, plane subway, bus, bush taxi or boat anywhere in the world, and travel to my heart's content. I can't think of any THING I'd like better!
At 2:48 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
I would want to be able to kiss, hug, touch, put my arms around my girl in public without anyone staring or commenting on what we do. Just like straight people get to do without any problems. You know. That's what I want more then anything else in this world.
At 9:15 AM,
SassyFemme said…
Ace of Spades, I totally hear you on that one! It drives me insane not to be able to do that!
At 10:38 AM,
ToadyJoe said…
I want a big huge fully staffed & decorated & animalized ranch in the mountains, and I'm talking HUGE ranch with lots of trees and greenery for the animals, and all the feed and water they need, and people to take care of fences & such for me - and the ranch house must be complete with high speed internet. Then I can just move there, and not work, but live off the land and go out wandering on my ranch any time, and have friends up to hang out as long as they want, and all my food and books and such would be delivered by a totally hot UPS chick, and... need I continue? :p
At 6:49 PM,
Kat said…
If I could have one material thing for free it would be a nice house (by nice I mean a yard, 3 bedrooms, an office for my husband and a good neighborhood where I liked the school system. There are so many things I could do with rent money freed up. And it would be a lovely thing to own a home!
At 8:09 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Does an island count?
Ok...then...a log cabin in the mountains. Piney mountains, not desert mountains.
At 5:44 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
Computer. Top of the Line. All the bells and whistles.
At 10:31 AM,
Ms Enigme said…
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At 4:41 PM,
Kaycee said…
A farm. A big plot of land with an old-style farm house that was recently built. THen I could house all my animals.
At 11:20 AM,
Unknown said…
my own home, unencumbered by debt ...
At 1:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Any one of the ex-lovers I abandoned in a fit of (untreated at the time) depression - of which there were several during the 1990s.
At 2:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
An old church that I could turn into a unique home.
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