I've never seen anything, and I'm pretty happy about that. I've always heard bits of conversations (much like hearing a tv in another room that one can't understand) in between stages of sleep, or often when distracted by white noise such as a ceiling fan. Maybe that's the voices in my head talking, though!
I did used to work at the Walgreen's on Lincolnway and Bendix, and I can honestly say that building was haunted. I never saw anyone, but never, ever felt 'alone.' My staff and I had items fall off the shelf every few feet as we'd walk down an aisle alone after close, the same would happen in the stockroom. Many of my staff refused to work in the stockroom alone because activity back there was so heavy. One morning, I had a box of damaged/expired merchandise next to me as I was preparing the truck log in the stockroom, and inside, one of the watches that spoke the time did so, over, and over and over, and then all at once, ALL of the toys, watches, alarm clocks, etc that made noise in that box started going off. I got out of there quick. :)
me and a friend were sitting outside her apartment door on the stairs(inside the hallway). we were just talking about stuff and suddenly appeared this white object floating towards us. I freaked and ran inside and she was right behind me. Only happened that once but it is brought up quiet often.
I can't say that I, personally, have encountered anything. I embrace my scientific training and have yet to encounter to sway me into believing in the paranormal. My fiancee, on the other hand, says she's somewhat clairvoiant but I'm still skeptical.
Time for me to answer! Starting tomorrow, I'll try to answer each question everyday right after I post it. No fair for me to ask people to answer if I don't do it myself :)
So, here it goes... Off and on throughout my life I had different strange things happen to me. But, nothing major really stands out. I wanted to post about something that happened to my Mother.
My Mom is a nurse and very analytical. I remember that when I was growing up, she use to always say, "I've see lots of people die, and nothing magical happens. One minute they are there, the next minute, they're gone."
I mention that she USE to say that, because about 8 years ago she moved to a townhouse rental in Delaware for her job. On her first night in the new place, she happened to be sleeping on the couch with her dog next to her. So, it's the middle of the night and she is awoken by what feels like hands pushing her head up off the couch (from underneath!). But, that's not it! She sits up to see the ghost of a old-fashioned looking woman wearing a winter coat and a muff (you know, one of those things women use to put their hands in to keep warm - no jokes, please :) Anyway, the woman also had a dog by her side on a leash. My Mom's dog was sleeping next to her and started FREAKING out growling, etc. Then the woman disappeared. My Mom never experienced it again until the night before she moved out. Same exact thing, middle of the night, same woman, same dog. Very weird...
Ghosts, no. Two likely attempted demon possessions? Yep. Folks don't know what goes on around them. "Think you that a blind man cannot see? What senses do we all lack that we do not see another world all around us?" And by the way, both attempts failed.
I can honestly say that I have never seen a ghost or anything supernatural. This may be contributed from being an Atheist and not having any predisposition toward believing and so my mind doesn't get tricked into thinking these sorts of things happen. I prefer to make things up and put them into stories rather than believing mumbo jumbo.
Our house in VA was very haunted. It was not far from a civil war battlefield. I walked into the house one day and a glass slid off of a counter and crashed onto the floor. There were two rooms in that house the dog wouldn't go near, and my husband and I stayed out of them as well.
Nope. Never saw one, never want to. Have had a couple of weird dreams with specifics that ended up coming true though. Think that's a whole other topic though. :)
I see things every once in a while. Mostly in dreams. But I have deja vu all the time and sometimes I know how things are gonna play out. Must stem from being a twin.
of course, i have seen a man with a black top hat in the house that i live in right now. i can sense houses that are haunted and what bad things have happened (in general...murder, rape, incest, etc) and i can sense when there are good spirits that inhabit a house. no, i'm not a spiritual freak or palm reader or anything like that. i'm a music teacher in montana, brought up in a very strict home, and am too intuitive, i suppose, for my own good.
I have never seen a ghost perse. When I was younger I used to hear voices in multiples, but not a word they said. It was like the sound of static but instead of the white noise it was like voices at a party, without being able to make one out. I worked hard to tune them out and I succeeded. Now that I have a more open-minded belief, I wonder if I lost something that was meant to be a gift? Well things happen for a reason, perhaps it was a gift not meant for me...
Anywhoo, I practice Reiki. I don't see or hear ghosts. But I feel energy, and I feel and see the results of a positive life force that is over us all, and is us all work in healing, which I guess is as profound as a ghost in its own simple way?
Don't know if it answered the question at all... Kat
Nooo....but years ago we lived in a 150 year old house where the previous owner, an elderly widow, had died. For many years, if we left the house before dark, when we came home, the back porch light would be on. Sometimes the bathroom or hall light also. I always figured she was like a solicitious grandmother...making sure we got in safely...
Actually, I have; our old house was as haunted as the day is long--I heard and saw strange things many, many times. One time sticks out: there was a terrible winter storm and we lost power. In the middle of the night I heard a baby crying and crying. I got up and woke my mother, and we both went into the room the cry was coming from. Of course it stopped when we opened the door.
We learned later that a child had died in that room. We think the ghost several of us saw in the halls and in the attic was that of the child's mother.
the new msn 7 messenger has a laughing old lady wink which i used to scare my friends with. i've recently started having nightmares with her terrorising me.
Seen, no, felt, yes. I swear my Grandfather comes to me when I am troubled. It's weird but I can smell the pipe tobacco and the scotch mints he liked. As to out of the ordinary, I know when the phone's going to ring and who it is. I know alot of things before they happen and I have precogitive dreams. Unfortunately they are never about the lottery or anything really useful though ;(
I was 5 and a ghost went between me and the tv and my dad was sitting in the chair behind me. He jumped up and said "what the hell was that"? I remember it too..it was white and hazy and it blocked the tv. To this day we feel there is a ghost that has followed us to every house.
I had a premonition that a friend on mine was going to get on the bus... as the bus started to pull away from the stop someone flagged it down.. sure enough it was him. Weird.
I have never seen a ghost, but I have smelled one before. My brother died in 1993, and on a few occasions since then, I have smelled his scent. Weird stuff.
Great question where should i begin? well how about the old lady in my bathtub, or the depressed man who i beleive used to be a writter. the knocking in my walls, the tapping of a still night, seeing my graet grandfather at the foot of my bed, or my other grandpa playing with my son in the middle of the night when he was only 6 months old.my doggrowling and barking as though somebody was really playing tug a war, the lights dimming to a low and comming back bright.the shadows i would see as a child at night in my room. no i am not on medication i just have always had a sense with ghosts spirits whatever you like to call them and i dont get scared i think it is really a rush and i wish i could expeirience it more often:)
I can sometimes tell what song is going to come on the radio before it comes on.
But one occasion was totally trippy. It was slightly dark in my room. I was looking at my desk hutch. It looked almost like a face. I was scaring myself, staring at it, wanting to be able to move and turn on the light.
I heard a voice in my head, that didn't scare me or anything. It was weird, but it was like it was both not me, and was me. It said "if I play '9 to 5', will you calm down and quit being afraid?" I said yes. 9 to 5 came on about 20 seconds later.
I got the cold shivers, sat upright in bed, and turned on the light.
My Mom has seen a ghost, when staying with relatives. She was afraid, but was certain that her sister, who she regarded as a saint, would not come to harm. So she got out of bed and crawled into bed with her sister.
And my Mom also had "feelings". She didn't listen to one, and felt guilty as she wasn't there to save her sister from death. I'm not 100% sure her feelings were for real, though. She has OCD (as do I), and it may have just been an anxiety that happened to happen at the "right time".
My husband sometimes has dreams that come true.
I tend to believe the "ghosts aren't really people who died" thing, as I don't know that God really lets people hang around to haunt. Although I do remember reading something in the Old Testament where some king consulted a medium, and had the medium contact one of the prophets, who complained about his rest being disturbed. [If I am remembering correctly.]
I tend to think that ghosts are really demons, and maybe sometimes angels that are there to help us, i.e., angels who didn't fall. [I.E., I believe demons are fallen angels.]
5 of us driving in a car one night over a bridge ... suddenly traffic just stopped and we saw something huge float up from under the bridge ... there were bright lights on the bottom of it so it made it hard to make out what it was, it went over the bridge and hovered there for about 2 seconds .. then it seemed to tilt and take off so fast towards the west that the lights became a streak ... people got out of their cars but eventually traffic moved again ... it was in the papers the next day ... "townspeople witness ufo" ... never found out what it was, the news never picked it up again ... one of my friends still mentions it from time to time
Several times... Two stick out best. Once when I was a young kid, my cousin slept over and we (as we do today) would spend the night just gabbing away. One night on St. Patrick's Day, we SWEAR we saw a leprechaun on my bedroom wall. It giggled and sped away... Like a shadow. Even our dog was upset by it to the point that he tried to claw at the wall. The marks from him are still on my old bedroom wall today.
Second was when my grand dad passed. A corner on my bed sank as if he sat there to say goodbye.
At 10:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Not really... And I'm glad!
At 12:45 PM,
sttropezbutler said…
My entire life sometimes seems out of the ordinary, but I suspect that's just me ego talking! LOL!
Love this new idea!
At 1:43 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
I have seen many ghosts, but I was hallucinating. No joke. Thank Goddess they have medication for that. :)
At 2:39 PM,
Zoe said…
No ghosts- but sometimes I can see auras.
At 3:09 PM,
Coble said…
I've never seen anything, and I'm pretty happy about that. I've always heard bits of conversations (much like hearing a tv in another room that one can't understand) in between stages of sleep, or often when distracted by white noise such as a ceiling fan. Maybe that's the voices in my head talking, though!
I did used to work at the Walgreen's on Lincolnway and Bendix, and I can honestly say that building was haunted. I never saw anyone, but never, ever felt 'alone.' My staff and I had items fall off the shelf every few feet as we'd walk down an aisle alone after close, the same would happen in the stockroom. Many of my staff refused to work in the stockroom alone because activity back there was so heavy. One morning, I had a box of damaged/expired merchandise next to me as I was preparing the truck log in the stockroom, and inside, one of the watches that spoke the time did so, over, and over and over, and then all at once, ALL of the toys, watches, alarm clocks, etc that made noise in that box started going off. I got out of there quick. :)
At 4:10 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
me and a friend were sitting outside her apartment door on the stairs(inside the hallway). we were just talking about stuff and suddenly appeared this white object floating towards us. I freaked and ran inside and she was right behind me. Only happened that once but it is brought up quiet often.
At 4:17 PM,
Lex Luthor said…
I can't say that I, personally, have encountered anything. I embrace my scientific training and have yet to encounter to sway me into believing in the paranormal. My fiancee, on the other hand, says she's somewhat clairvoiant but I'm still skeptical.
At 4:18 PM,
Ace of Spades said…
I linked you to my blog so that I can share your blog with all my friends.
At 4:57 PM,
Sublime said…
Time for me to answer! Starting tomorrow, I'll try to answer each question everyday right after I post it. No fair for me to ask people to answer if I don't do it myself :)
So, here it goes... Off and on throughout my life I had different strange things happen to me. But, nothing major really stands out. I wanted to post about something that happened to my Mother.
My Mom is a nurse and very analytical. I remember that when I was growing up, she use to always say, "I've see lots of people die, and nothing magical happens. One minute they are there, the next minute, they're gone."
I mention that she USE to say that, because about 8 years ago she moved to a townhouse rental in Delaware for her job. On her first night in the new place, she happened to be sleeping on the couch with her dog next to her. So, it's the middle of the night and she is awoken by what feels like hands pushing her head up off the couch (from underneath!). But, that's not it! She sits up to see the ghost of a old-fashioned looking woman wearing a winter coat and a muff (you know, one of those things women use to put their hands in to keep warm - no jokes, please :) Anyway, the woman also had a dog by her side on a leash. My Mom's dog was sleeping next to her and started FREAKING out growling, etc. Then the woman disappeared. My Mom never experienced it again until the night before she moved out. Same exact thing, middle of the night, same woman, same dog. Very weird...
At 9:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ghosts, no. Two likely attempted demon possessions? Yep. Folks don't know what goes on around them.
"Think you that a blind man cannot see? What senses do we all lack that we do not see another world all around us?"
And by the way, both attempts failed.
- R.
At 9:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
i see ghost. pasty white boy in my neighborhood....
At 9:40 PM,
ThatIsMeWhat said…
No ghosts here. But I know they're out there somewhere.
At 9:57 PM,
David Fuchs (Greg Goble) said…
I can honestly say that I have never seen a ghost or anything supernatural. This may be contributed from being an Atheist and not having any predisposition toward believing and so my mind doesn't get tricked into thinking these sorts of things happen. I prefer to make things up and put them into stories rather than believing mumbo jumbo.
At 10:05 PM,
United We Lay said…
Our house in VA was very haunted. It was not far from a civil war battlefield. I walked into the house one day and a glass slid off of a counter and crashed onto the floor. There were two rooms in that house the dog wouldn't go near, and my husband and I stayed out of them as well.
At 10:10 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Nope. Never saw one, never want to. Have had a couple of weird dreams with specifics that ended up coming true though. Think that's a whole other topic though. :)
At 11:08 PM,
HappyKap said…
I see things every once in a while. Mostly in dreams. But I have deja vu all the time and sometimes I know how things are gonna play out. Must stem from being a twin.
At 11:14 PM,
Ellie Creek Ellis said…
of course, i have seen a man with a black top hat in the house that i live in right now. i can sense houses that are haunted and what bad things have happened (in general...murder, rape, incest, etc) and i can sense when there are good spirits that inhabit a house. no, i'm not a spiritual freak or palm reader or anything like that. i'm a music teacher in montana, brought up in a very strict home, and am too intuitive, i suppose, for my own good.
At 1:58 AM,
Kat said…
I have never seen a ghost perse. When I was younger I used to hear voices in multiples, but not a word they said. It was like the sound of static but instead of the white noise it was like voices at a party, without being able to make one out. I worked hard to tune them out and I succeeded. Now that I have a more open-minded belief, I wonder if I lost something that was meant to be a gift? Well things happen for a reason, perhaps it was a gift not meant for me...
Anywhoo, I practice Reiki. I don't see or hear ghosts. But I feel energy, and I feel and see the results of a positive life force that is over us all, and is us all work in healing, which I guess is as profound as a ghost in its own simple way?
Don't know if it answered the question at all...
At 3:06 PM,
Kelly said…
Nooo....but years ago we lived in a 150 year old house where the previous owner, an elderly widow, had died. For many years, if we left the house before dark, when we came home, the back porch light would be on. Sometimes the bathroom or hall light also. I always figured she was like a solicitious grandmother...making sure we got in safely...
At 3:45 PM,
Dr. Deb said…
No, nothing out of the ordinary. How boring, I suppose!
At 8:17 PM,
I n g e r said…
Actually, I have; our old house was as haunted as the day is long--I heard and saw strange things many, many times. One time sticks out: there was a terrible winter storm and we lost power. In the middle of the night I heard a baby crying and crying. I got up and woke my mother, and we both went into the room the cry was coming from. Of course it stopped when we opened the door.
We learned later that a child had died in that room. We think the ghost several of us saw in the halls and in the attic was that of the child's mother.
At 12:59 PM,
Ms Enigme said…
the new msn 7 messenger has a laughing old lady wink which i used to scare my friends with. i've recently started having nightmares with her terrorising me.
At 6:12 PM,
Rue said…
Seen, no, felt, yes. I swear my Grandfather comes to me when I am troubled. It's weird but I can smell the pipe tobacco and the scotch mints he liked.
As to out of the ordinary, I know when the phone's going to ring and who it is. I know alot of things before they happen and I have precogitive dreams. Unfortunately they are never about the lottery or anything really useful though ;(
At 11:10 PM,
Chelynne said…
I was 5 and a ghost went between me and the tv and my dad was sitting in the chair behind me. He jumped up and said "what the hell was that"? I remember it too..it was white and hazy and it blocked the tv. To this day we feel there is a ghost that has followed us to every house.
At 5:11 PM,
Julie Julie Bo Boolie said…
I had a premonition that a friend on mine was going to get on the bus... as the bus started to pull away from the stop someone flagged it down.. sure enough it was him. Weird.
At 5:44 PM,
sdk said…
You don't even want to get me started on this subject. It would take a whole new blog to document some of the crap I've seen in my lifetime.
At 9:54 AM,
ToadyJoe said…
Nope, sorry.
At 4:53 PM,
Los said…
I have never seen a ghost, but I have smelled one before. My brother died in 1993, and on a few occasions since then, I have smelled his scent. Weird stuff.
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great question where should i begin? well how about the old lady in my bathtub, or the depressed man who i beleive used to be a writter. the knocking in my walls, the tapping of a still night, seeing my graet grandfather at the foot of my bed, or my other grandpa playing with my son in the middle of the night when he was only 6 months old.my doggrowling and barking as though somebody was really playing tug a war, the lights dimming to a low and comming back bright.the shadows i would see as a child at night in my room. no i am not on medication i just have always had a sense with ghosts spirits whatever you like to call them and i dont get scared i think it is really a rush and i wish i could expeirience it more often:)
At 3:23 AM,
Sith Snoopy said…
I haven't seen anything. But I have heard things.
I can sometimes tell what song is going to come
on the radio before it comes on.
But one occasion was totally trippy. It was slightly
dark in my room. I was looking at my desk hutch.
It looked almost like a face. I was scaring myself,
staring at it, wanting to be able to move and turn
on the light.
I heard a voice in my head, that didn't scare me or
anything. It was weird, but it was like it was both
not me, and was me. It said "if I play '9 to 5', will
you calm down and quit being afraid?" I said yes.
9 to 5 came on about 20 seconds later.
I got the cold shivers, sat upright in bed, and
turned on the light.
My Mom has seen a ghost, when staying with
relatives. She was afraid, but was certain that
her sister, who she regarded as a saint, would not
come to harm. So she got out of bed and crawled
into bed with her sister.
And my Mom also had "feelings". She didn't listen
to one, and felt guilty as she wasn't there to save
her sister from death. I'm not 100% sure her
feelings were for real, though. She has OCD (as
do I), and it may have just been an anxiety that
happened to happen at the "right time".
My husband sometimes has dreams that come true.
I tend to believe the "ghosts aren't really people
who died" thing, as I don't know that God really
lets people hang around to haunt. Although I
do remember reading something in the Old
Testament where some king consulted a medium,
and had the medium contact one of the prophets,
who complained about his rest being disturbed.
[If I am remembering correctly.]
I tend to think that ghosts are really demons, and
maybe sometimes angels that are there to help us,
i.e., angels who didn't fall. [I.E., I believe demons
are fallen angels.]
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Every good thing I've had in life I consider "out of the ordinary" compared to the dreariness we're so often encouraged to settle for.
At 10:59 AM,
crappyjazz said…
5 of us driving in a car one night over a bridge ... suddenly traffic just stopped and we saw something huge float up from under the bridge ... there were bright lights on the bottom of it so it made it hard to make out what it was, it went over the bridge and hovered there for about 2 seconds .. then it seemed to tilt and take off so fast towards the west that the lights became a streak ... people got out of their cars but eventually traffic moved again ... it was in the papers the next day ... "townspeople witness ufo" ... never found out what it was, the news never picked it up again ... one of my friends still mentions it from time to time
At 4:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Several times... Two stick out best. Once when I was a young kid, my cousin slept over and we (as we do today) would spend the night just gabbing away. One night on St. Patrick's Day, we SWEAR we saw a leprechaun on my bedroom wall. It giggled and sped away... Like a shadow. Even our dog was upset by it to the point that he tried to claw at the wall. The marks from him are still on my old bedroom wall today.
Second was when my grand dad passed. A corner on my bed sank as if he sat there to say goodbye.
At 10:58 PM,
me said…
Yes, I saw myself in the mirror older, wearing clothes from the victorian age for a short momemt. I was not drunk.
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