Sixth Question
Some people think that the dreams we have while asleep are filled with deeper meaning about our selves (ex: hopes, fears, worry, etc.). Can you remember the last dream you had, or any dreams you've had that have stuck in your mind long after waking? Please describe the dream(s).
At 10:00 AM,
Sublime said…
I shared this dream experience on my other blog a few months ago....
"Awhile back I had a dream that was almost traumatizing, and stayed with me for many days to follow. I dreamt my partner and I were sitting next to each other on an airplane flight. Suddenly the plane went eerily quiet because the engines failed in mid-air. Instantaneously a complete paralyzing fear came over me, followed by an absolutely tranquil calm fueled by the knowledge that there was nothing in the world I could do about the fact we were going down. A complete and utter loss of control and the only emotion that emerged from it was love. I leaned over and softly whispered in Missy's ear that I loved her with all my heart. Then I woke up very abruptly.
Knowing full well what it feels like to think you are about to die."
At 11:25 AM,
I n g e r said…
I dreamt that a friend from my childhood was chasing me with a gun, and I had to leave my children to keep them safe from him. I take this to be timely because right now we're living next door to my parents, and my father is a pill.
At 12:35 PM,
SassyFemme said…
It's a recurring dream that I had in the winter or very early spring. I kept dreaming that someone was breaking into our house and coming up the stairs. I would vividly hear the sound of our front door open and know there was nothing I could do about it, and no way to escape. The stairs are right in front of the front door, and our room is right off the stairs when you get to the top. This dream went on for days (nights) with just slight variations. I finally told Fran about it and she said she'd been having somewhat of the same dream. I called the alarm company that day and made arrangements to have another keypad installed upstairs in our bedroom, and now we set the alarm at night. Only had the dream once or twice since then. Now that I think about it, it was during the time after my father had died and we were doing the will stuff, and the lawyer was having to handle my parent's son, who is very volatile and unstable. I know I was afraid he'd just show up at the door and try to hurt us to get what he perceived was "his", even though he'd basically been written out of the will.
At 1:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
The most memorable dreams(s): I hve had it a few times and it is truly remarkable and creates a gunuine sense of euphoria.I can see my body remain in bed, as I fly/float away. It feels real and usully occurs while I am about 3/4 asleep and 1/4 awake. I fight waking up, for as soon as I do, the journey is over. It is an awesone feeling. I wish I could summmon the flight on demand - I would enjoy sleep even more than I do now.
At 3:54 PM,
Dr. Deb said…
I am a HUGE fan of dreams, and feel that they can hold great information to help us in life. My most recent dream,which is one of my repetitive ones, occurred again this morning... that I missed my math final and that I'm not going to graduate.
At 8:53 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
The last really interesting dream I had was a couple of weeks ago, and it went like this: I was lying on a table having surgery and my whole right side was just open, and I'm awake. No pain or anything. There were several doctors in the room and a nurse. I looked down at my guts and I picked up my liver - apparently the doctor had already disconnected everything and it was ready to I hand it to him, and it's just this huge, red thing - it took both hands to lift it up and out and hand it to the doctor. So the doctor takes it, drops it on a stainless steel table, and the nurse hands him my new liver, which looks like a giant marbled roast, you know, with all the fat, and he hands it to me, and I dump it in the big space in my body. I asked the doctor if he needed to do anything else, and he said everything would just grow together like it was supposed to, and to leave it. Weird.
At 12:31 AM,
Bent Fabric said…
Until I started my medication I could never remember my dreams.
During the past month, however, my cat discovered three lizards - on separate occasions - in the apartment. (I'm so glad he likes to hunt.) The screen on the front porch is broken so the lizards are free to come and go as they wish.
Anyhoo, a few days ago I dreamt I was being attacked by flying lizards. I was screaming like a prepubescent girl. It was not festive.
At 1:56 PM,
Coble said…
With the pregnancy, I've been having really random dreams, stuff I can't even really reiterate coherently to someone. But, I'll share with you my most memorable and most important dream, in which I do believe to this day that I received a message from the Divine:
I'm walking in the woods with friends and relatives that I know. Many of them are walking in a line along a path, and others in the back are spreading out, walking with the group but off to the sides, happily exploring.
People begin to get sucked into the ground, and we're all very terrified. I run around trying to help people, and of course get sucked into the ground myself.
Just as we pass into the ground, we're suddenly falling out of the sky into a beautiful lake. Once we fall into the water, everyone seems to know just what to do but me, and I follow them to the bottom of the lake, where a gold statue is talking to them. I start to panic, start to get really angry that WE have died, that it's quite unfair.
Then *snap* I'm sitting in a a very nondescript office, in front of the desk of a man who is there, but I somehow do not see. I'm just RANTING at him, realizing that I should not be speaking this way to 'god', but I'm passionately angry at how these are all such good people and that it's wrong that they should die.
The voice answers back very calmly, and says 'No, it is you (meaning all of us) that are alive.'
Then *snap* we're all back in the woods again walking, and things are as if nothing ever happened. Then I wake up.
Since then, I've really had a peace about my own spiritual wandering and a tolerance of others, realizing that no matter what I or anyone else chooses, there is a relationship with this Divine that remains unchanged.
At 5:25 PM,
its just ME said…
when I was married to my X, the ENTIRE 10 years, I had a recurring dream that I could never forget, and it dwelled on my mind....
I would dream that I kept going back to my childhood home and try to beg the current family there to sell it back to me. Each dream was just a little different but I always was crushed at not being able to talk these people into selling me back MY HOME!
As soon as I left my X, I never had the dream again, thats been 3 1/2 yrs ago, guess I just simply never felt 'at home' with him......
At 5:32 PM,
sdk said…
The dreams I've had lately relate to a deceased find we had a few weeks ago with my missing persons organization. I keep seeing the body, but in my dreams it's animated, and the hand takes on a whole life of it's own.
At 10:21 AM,
ToadyJoe said…
I dreamed that I got called on the phone and yelled at by another blogger's mother, for 'hijacking' his blog with a girlfriend via the comment section (which we did do, in real life - but it was all friendly and fun).
The only portent I can gather is that I need to be careful with what I say on the internet...??? That, and I'm *always* in trouble... for something or other! [grin]
At 10:34 AM,
Ms Enigme said…
i was drowning in syrup! been having this dream for years.
At 5:14 AM,
Trielles said…
I met my husband when I was 12 and he was 19. Love at first sight doesn't begin to describe my feelings. From that day on there was only one person for me; him!He, on the other hand, didn't see things my way. (teehee) I saw him at church every Saturday, biblestudies on Wed. evenings, youth functions...etc. I watched him date older girls and almost marry one and I guess those feelings have stuck with me all these years. Because my dream is usually set up like this: We're at church, my body is 16 but my mind is me now, I watch him from across the room, and usually he leaves with an older girl to go out on a date. I wake up with such a jealous feeling. We were both virgins when we started dating, although we didn't "wait" for marriage, we were each other's first. Not THAT is a whole 'nother dream...:-)
At 11:18 AM,
Unknown said…
i get frustration dreams all the time ... i'm trying to get something done - usually it's as simple as trying to call a story through to the newsroom ... but nothing works ... i can't find the money for the phone, i can't get it in the slot, i can't remember the number, or i can remember the number but i can't get my fingers to dial the number properly.
this is so totally a reflection of my life right now.
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was helping Xena and Gabrielle hotwire an SUV, and we were hiding out in some Southern city watching the local news and realizing that my crime was the lead story.
At 8:31 AM,
DayDreamer said…
I had a dream some years ago that has always stayed with me.
I was wandering in our local village when a man carrying a shotgun came up to me. He had been hired by my father, he had killed my mother and I was to be next. I pleaded with him and he said that it was up tp my father and so took me before him. My father was very casual and uninterested as he told me that I had to die. I vividly remember crying and begging him to let me live, promising to keep out of his way and never bother him again. He wouldnt listen.
I woke up.
I think the meaning is clear, and reflects the reality of my father not being that interested in me and not caring as a daughter would hope her father could. To my knowledge, he hasnt commissioned a hit man tho!!
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