My dream job has always been to be an art collector for the private sector's most rich and famous. I would love to travel the world hunting down the most obscure works to satisfy the tastes of my clients. That to me, would be beyond bliss...
My dream job would be to manage my multimillions. I would do it "on the fly", from anywhere in the world, as I travelled and explored... or hung out in My Own Private Idaho. Whatever I wanted, I could have. Wherever I wanted to go, I could go. Or not. As my fancy appeared!
But oh, okay... if I didn't have multimillions (I don't) and had to work (I do), I guess it would be to be an on-call nurse working 8-hour shifts, not more than 3 a week. That way I'd never get too tired (12 hour shifts are rough), people would totally appreciate me when I got there, and I'd still have the variety (which I love as a float pool nurse) and I'd still get to make a difference in patient's lives every day. So, kinda what I do now - but with shorter shifts. Oh, and Day Shift Only. Guess I should specify that, huh? :)
I would open my bar on the beach somewhere in the Caribbean. Just the thought of a life with litte stress and endless days of sunshine makes me smile every time.
I already have my dream job...I am home with my kids, I don't have to work outside the home if I don't want to and I am immensely grateful to be able to do it...because so many women are forced to work outside the home due to their personal circumstance.
What I do now, only full-time, and with a much larger spending budget: Director of a massive public-access research library of Judeo-Christian theology and science. There would, of course, be a chapel on site for prayer, and a coffee house just across the courtyard.
gah! and history. I forgot history. (isn't that ironic..) Judeo-Christian theology, history, and science. Two of these involve the most importance studies any mind can embrace. As to why? Well, it would be enormous fun, and a thing desperately needed in society. Books, a place to read, coffee at hand, and all the peace that one needs to look for Answers.
I have my dream job. I have my own business. I work with people with developmental disabilities. They are the most incredible people and they have enriched my life immeasureably.
My immediate response was , "I'd be a travel writer, and go all over the world taking photos and writing for a book series like Lonely Planet", thus getting paid to do what I love more than anything else in the world...which of course begs the question that will keep me up tonight: If that's what sprang to my mind, why aren't I doing it?
I have tons of dream jobs, but the one that sticks out the most is to be a dolphin trainer. I would love to be able to work with dolphins all day everyday. Man that would be the coolest.
second, I have always wanted to be an accountant. Love working with numbers. Well I could just be my own acoountant for the bar I would open up in Jamaica or somewhere else tropical. Yeah, that sounds better.
I would LOVE to own a lesbian bookstore with a coffeehouse! I love books, and to have a place like just would bring a sense of peace. I was actually daydreaming about that while getting reading this morning, before I read here. I was thinking I'd call it "Treasures" because a good book is such a treasure to me.
I'd like my most recent job. I worked as a butler for friends in a wonderful house in St. Tropez. I worked with great people in a wonderful country in a beautiful part of the world. For a job it was the best and the worst and it was doable! I've done many things in my life and it surely ranks as one of the best!
I have been spending the last many years studying and working towards my PhD in Pastoral Counseling. What is that you ask? Well, part of my work would be to make pastoral counseling a household name. Along the way I have been learning and practicing/training, studying and researching. I would eventually love to have a faculty position and teach. Additionally, I would love to train and supervise Master's level coulselor's in a center for the study and research of trauma, abuse, and spirituality. I would publish my research, write books, travel the world and conduct workshops on trauma and spirituality. Hopefully, I would be able to give back to those in need as a testament to the people who saved my life when I was in need. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's a very long journey and I'm not looking for an end to the journey, the journey is the whole process and I've learned that the destination or goal is not the most important thing it's what happens along the way.
My dream job is to be a house husband, a stay at home dad . . . yeah, it's kinda weird, but in my heart of hearts that's what I would love to do. It would give me time to work on my yard and home, write (which I've wanted to do for a long time but can never seem to carve out time), practice trumpet and piano more, read tons more, and prepare lots of good food for my family! :-)
I have thought, if I didn't own my own business, what would I like to do instead? I would like to design the costumes for Cirque de Soliel. OH, Wow, the imagination unleashed. I am always blown away by the costumes in that show. How fun would that be??
i would be a professional stage manager ... i love theatre ... the happiest years of my life were when i was doing a lot of amateur theatre, stage managing and performing ... work prohibits it right now (i work late shifts) and i miss it like a pain
I work my dream job each and every single day. I founded and run a non-profit organization that assists families and law enforcement in all aspects of missing persons and rescue, volunteer planning, vigils, counseling, the whole 9 yards.
I am very, very lucky to be able to live my passion.
I would want to be a writer, a novelist, but a successful one. I would have to qualify that by saying that I would never want to suffer from writers block. I want to be a writer because I love to read the script of my own words and want a slower, comfortable pace of life.
At 10:31 AM,
Sublime said…
My dream job has always been to be an art collector for the private sector's most rich and famous. I would love to travel the world hunting down the most obscure works to satisfy the tastes of my clients. That to me, would be beyond bliss...
At 10:50 AM,
And the Past Recedes... said…
Found your blog through a couple others...that sixth degree type thing, lol. dream job? I want to own my own bakery. I heart baking.
Awesome blog!!
At 10:58 AM,
ToadyJoe said…
My dream job would be to manage my multimillions. I would do it "on the fly", from anywhere in the world, as I travelled and explored... or hung out in My Own Private Idaho. Whatever I wanted, I could have. Wherever I wanted to go, I could go. Or not. As my fancy appeared!
At 11:00 AM,
HappyKap said…
My dream job would be to not have to work. :-)
At 11:01 AM,
ToadyJoe said…
But oh, okay... if I didn't have multimillions (I don't) and had to work (I do), I guess it would be to be an on-call nurse working 8-hour shifts, not more than 3 a week. That way I'd never get too tired (12 hour shifts are rough), people would totally appreciate me when I got there, and I'd still have the variety (which I love as a float pool nurse) and I'd still get to make a difference in patient's lives every day. So, kinda what I do now - but with shorter shifts. Oh, and Day Shift Only. Guess I should specify that, huh? :)
At 11:04 AM,
Bent Fabric said…
This one's easy. A voice-over actress for kid's programs. How cool would it be to bring happiness to kids worldwide.
There were lots of shows that rescued me from my crappy childhood. Maybe I'm weird but I often paid attention to the voices.
At 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would open my bar on the beach somewhere in the Caribbean. Just the thought of a life with litte stress and endless days of sunshine makes me smile every time.
At 4:15 PM,
Valerie said…
I have lots of dream jobs, but one biggie would be to be a bioarchaeologist digging up bones in Africa...but making lots of money doing it!
That, or to work on an elephant sanctuary taking care of the animals.
At 5:11 PM,
I n g e r said…
I want to write novels. One a year. And make a lot of money doing it. Or else I want to be a shrink. Or just have a shrink. Or both.
At 5:27 PM,
Kris said…
I already have my dream job...I am home with my kids, I don't have to work outside the home if I don't want to and I am immensely grateful to be able to do it...because so many women are forced to work outside the home due to their personal circumstance.
At 5:49 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
I would write full-time.
At 7:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
What I do now, only full-time, and with a much larger spending budget: Director of a massive public-access research library of Judeo-Christian theology and science. There would, of course, be a chapel on site for prayer, and a coffee house just across the courtyard.
At 7:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
gah! and history. I forgot history. (isn't that ironic..) Judeo-Christian theology, history, and science. Two of these involve the most importance studies any mind can embrace. As to why? Well, it would be enormous fun, and a thing desperately needed in society. Books, a place to read, coffee at hand, and all the peace that one needs to look for Answers.
At 10:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have my dream job. I have my own business. I work with people with developmental disabilities. They are the most incredible people and they have enriched my life immeasureably.
At 10:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
My immediate response was , "I'd be a travel writer, and go all over the world taking photos and writing for a book series like Lonely Planet", thus getting paid to do what I love more than anything else in the world...which of course begs the question that will keep me up tonight: If that's what sprang to my mind, why aren't I doing it?
At 11:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
My dream Job would be to own my own cafe..I love to cook
At 12:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dream job...
Something that would combine my love for art, architecture, design, community involvement, social science and fun.
At 1:57 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
I have tons of dream jobs, but the one that sticks out the most is to be a dolphin trainer. I would love to be able to work with dolphins all day everyday. Man that would be the coolest.
second, I have always wanted to be an accountant. Love working with numbers.
Well I could just be my own acoountant for the bar I would open up in Jamaica or somewhere else tropical. Yeah, that sounds better.
At 8:54 AM,
SassyFemme said…
I would LOVE to own a lesbian bookstore with a coffeehouse! I love books, and to have a place like just would bring a sense of peace. I was actually daydreaming about that while getting reading this morning, before I read here. I was thinking I'd call it "Treasures" because a good book is such a treasure to me.
At 9:10 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
I'd like my most recent job. I worked as a butler for friends in a wonderful house in St. Tropez. I worked with great people in a wonderful country in a beautiful part of the world. For a job it was the best and the worst and it was doable! I've done many things in my life and it surely ranks as one of the best!
At 10:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have been spending the last many years studying and working towards my PhD in Pastoral Counseling. What is that you ask? Well, part of my work would be to make pastoral counseling a household name. Along the way I have been learning and practicing/training, studying and researching. I would eventually love to have a faculty position and teach. Additionally, I would love to train and supervise Master's level coulselor's in a center for the study and research of trauma, abuse, and spirituality. I would publish my research, write books, travel the world and conduct workshops on trauma and spirituality. Hopefully, I would be able to give back to those in need as a testament to the people who saved my life when I was in need. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's a very long journey and I'm not looking for an end to the journey, the journey is the whole process and I've learned that the destination or goal is not the most important thing it's what happens along the way.
At 11:14 AM,
Hugo said…
My dream job is to be a house husband, a stay at home dad . . . yeah, it's kinda weird, but in my heart of hearts that's what I would love to do. It would give me time to work on my yard and home, write (which I've wanted to do for a long time but can never seem to carve out time), practice trumpet and piano more, read tons more, and prepare lots of good food for my family! :-)
Blessings & Peace,
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have thought, if I didn't own my own business, what would I like to do instead? I would like to design the costumes for Cirque de Soliel. OH, Wow, the imagination unleashed. I am always blown away by the costumes in that show. How fun would that be??
At 4:39 PM,
Kaycee said…
Own a kennel or run a shelter. I love animals.
At 10:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
TO work at a company that works video games. Then I could make my own games and never have to go buy them.
At 8:26 AM,
Ms Enigme said…
law enforcement, definately.
At 11:27 AM,
Unknown said…
i would be a professional stage manager ... i love theatre ... the happiest years of my life were when i was doing a lot of amateur theatre, stage managing and performing ... work prohibits it right now (i work late shifts) and i miss it like a pain
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Graphic designer... I've had a few design ideas bubbling for years, and I'm thinking of putting them out there for fun and (HOPEFULLY) profit.
At 9:19 PM,
sdk said…
I work my dream job each and every single day. I founded and run a non-profit organization that assists families and law enforcement in all aspects of missing persons and rescue, volunteer planning, vigils, counseling, the whole 9 yards.
I am very, very lucky to be able to live my passion.
At 11:05 AM,
crappyjazz said…
music producer ... my talent is more in my ears than in my actual ability to play an instrument
i helped produce an indie cd once, trust me you've never heard of it ... but it was the most fun i've ever had "working" in my life
At 3:09 PM,
pawzz said…
the nursery at Lion Counrty safari Florida
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
A housewife and mother!
At 8:21 AM,
DayDreamer said…
I would want to be a writer, a novelist, but a successful one. I would have to qualify that by saying that I would never want to suffer from writers block. I want to be a writer because I love to read the script of my own words and want a slower, comfortable pace of life.
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