One day during my teenage years, I was asleep in my bedroom. It was probably close to noon (or around a time when I had no business still being asleep), and I heard my mother in the hallway running the vacuum cleaner. She opened my bedroom door to vacuum my room and I very rudely made some remarks to her to please get out because I was sleeping, etc. She started crying and left the room. My father emerged a few minutes later to yell at me for being so mean to my Mom. I've always felt really bad for this incident and would like to take it back if I could. This was during a stretch of time when I was being very disrespectful and nasty toward my parents (go figure).
I wish I had had the guts to tell my sister to move out after a year. She lived with us for 6 years and destroyed my and my boyfriend's relationship. I blame her, but I mostly blame myself. We are now breaking up after 12 years.
I have lots of scars which remind me of something I did or said that I could not remember anymore. What they left me were lessons to be learned and be a part of my being in this world.
When I was a senior in high school I screamed "I hate you" to my father at the end of an argument as I left the house. Even though I later apologized, I still feel terrible every time I think about that.
The cast of a play I was in was invited to a party. At the entrance to the party a guy named Dan screeched my name REALLY loud saying how happy he was to see me there. When he screeched everyone in the room turned and looked at me which embarrassed me. I gave him a really sarcastic/cutting/rude comment which almost made him cry. I was to young and insecure then to go to him, hug him and say I was sorry. Because I was sorry, so sorry. I've thought of this so many times over the years and everytime I can feel (like right this moment) my face get red. I'M SORRY DAN.
I can't think of a comment or action I'd take back, but I can think of plenty of times when I swallowed anger instead of spitting it out. It took me 35 years and therapy to fix that bad pattern. I wish I hadn't wasted all that time being afraid the sky would fall in.
my problem is the opposite of blurting out words -- the only regret i have in life is that i can't respond quick enough when someone throws a verbal zinger at me...usually i am so stunned by their comment i am speechless...then 3 days later i'll go, "damn!! i shoulda said THIS"...other than that, i've got no is sweet on nancy street =)...
I said this to an aquaintance (female) who at the time was deciding whether I was a real bitch or not...guess what? Apparently I am a real bitch. What I meant was "I really love the smell of someone's perfume and I think it is yours..." It came out all WRONG.
I would take back my childhood year in 4th grade. I wish it never of happened. Do not want to elaberate on it though I am sorry. It's to painful and I am over 30 and still trying to get over it.
My dad died when I was 13. Weeks later I was crying in bed and my older sister asked if I was crying. I stifled my tears and said "no", and we both went to sleep. I thought I needed to be strong, I was embarassed that I missed him so much. It never occurred to me that she missed him too and maybe we could have cried together. My sister died 4 years later. We never got to grieve together.
It happened recently: my sister and mother came into town because I had this round of appointments with doctors (my parents live 4 hours away and my sister lives 9, so it was kind of a big deal). Anyway, my dad stayed home because it was the middle of the week...after everything turned out ok, my sister and mother and I were so happy and relieved we went and had an early dinner and shopped a little and NO ONE CALLED MY DAD. He finally called at about 9:30 that night wondering...we felt awful...I still do. He was really forgiving but I know it really hurt his feelings.
I would go to my Grandmother's funeral (my Mom's mom) She was the first person close to me who ever died, I was absolutely terrified of going to the core of my being. I was supposed to go to field hockey camp the week of her wake/funeral (it was the summer of my 16th birthday) My Dad told me I didn't have to go, that it was ok, my Mom had lots of close family and it would be fine I should go to camp. I grabbed onto the lifeline of a cop out for dear life. I didn't go and I really hurt my Mother terribly. It was the next year that my Mom first really seriously had problems form her Bi-Polar disorder, and the first time I became aware that my Mom's mental health was even an issue. My not going didn't cause the issue at all and I know it. But it did drive a wedge between my Mom and I who had always been so close for the year before she went into crisis. Then we had a chasm...
I really think my youthful selfishness did a lot of damage to my relationship with my Mom and really made dealing with her mental illness much more difficult for me.
We've gotten through it and are really close now and my Mom is doing great.
But I really regret the callousness I showed at 16 to her and our relationship. Kat
My mother called me saying that she was going to kill herself if I didn't arrive at her house within a half hour. I lived half hour away, I got pissed and told her that if she wanted to kill herself, then she outta just get it over with and quit screaming out for attention.
She was murdered a year later.
She had a lot of problems, including the ass she was married to. But, if I could change anything that I've ever said, that would be it.
I was the only person in my family to ever graduate from college, and I got two degrees in four years, so I have a lot to be proud of. But I never thought that my achievements would alienate me from my family. My brothers and father resent that I'm educated. One reason I went to school was because my dad told me that I should. I guess he didn't realize that school would make me smarter than he is.
I regret sending a very foul email to a friend of one of my boyfriends after finding out that he had disinvited us from his house and made some mildly racist comments about me in the process - comments he had not much intention of taking back, and to this day has never fully explained to any mutual friends why he said them. When I first found out what had happened, I got upset because it was the latest in a long line of situations at that time where I had to be the person taking the moral high road (because - seemingly - no one else would), and the frustration poured out onto the most convenient target. My attitude was so classless, fearful, and hateful that it's several years later and all of my relationships (personal and professional) are still recovering from missteps I made then.
At 11:07 AM,
Sublime said…
One day during my teenage years, I was asleep in my bedroom. It was probably close to noon (or around a time when I had no business still being asleep), and I heard my mother in the hallway running the vacuum cleaner. She opened my bedroom door to vacuum my room and I very rudely made some remarks to her to please get out because I was sleeping, etc. She started crying and left the room. My father emerged a few minutes later to yell at me for being so mean to my Mom. I've always felt really bad for this incident and would like to take it back if I could. This was during a stretch of time when I was being very disrespectful and nasty toward my parents (go figure).
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
I had an abortion and I wish I had had the baby.
At 4:08 PM,
HappyKap said…
I wish I had had the guts to tell my sister to move out after a year. She lived with us for 6 years and destroyed my and my boyfriend's relationship. I blame her, but I mostly blame myself. We are now breaking up after 12 years.
At 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have lots of scars which
remind me of something I did or said that I could not
remember anymore. What they
left me were lessons to be
learned and be a part of my
being in this world.
At 4:32 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
I once told my mom I hate her. I don't hate her per se, just the things she does.
At 4:36 PM,
Valerie said…
When I was a senior in high school I screamed "I hate you" to my father at the end of an argument as I left the house. Even though I later apologized, I still feel terrible every time I think about that.
At 6:23 PM,
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
chesting on my partner and then lying about it. Once I came clean, it took years to get over, for all of us.
At 6:26 PM,
The cast of a play I was in was invited to a party. At the entrance to the party a guy named Dan screeched my name REALLY loud saying how happy he was to see me there. When he screeched everyone in the room turned and looked at me which embarrassed me.
I gave him a really sarcastic/cutting/rude comment which almost made him cry. I was to young and insecure then to go to him, hug him and say I was sorry. Because I was sorry, so sorry.
I've thought of this so many times over the years and everytime I can feel (like right this moment) my face get red.
At 7:05 PM,
I n g e r said…
I can't think of a comment or action I'd take back, but I can think of plenty of times when I swallowed anger instead of spitting it out. It took me 35 years and therapy to fix that bad pattern. I wish I hadn't wasted all that time being afraid the sky would fall in.
At 9:40 PM,
nancy =) said…
my problem is the opposite of blurting out words -- the only regret i have in life is that i can't respond quick enough when someone throws a verbal zinger at me...usually i am so stunned by their comment i am speechless...then 3 days later i'll go, "damn!! i shoulda said THIS"...other than that, i've got no is sweet on nancy street =)...
At 2:32 AM,
Kris said…
"Something smells and I think it's you..."
I said this to an aquaintance (female) who at the time was deciding whether I was a real bitch or not...guess what? Apparently I am a real bitch. What I meant was "I really love the smell of someone's perfume and I think it is yours..." It came out all WRONG.
At 2:52 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
I would take back my childhood year in 4th grade. I wish it never of happened. Do not want to elaberate on it though I am sorry. It's to painful and I am over 30 and still trying to get over it.
At 9:35 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
No Regrets. Doesn't mean I haven't been sorry. Doesn't mean I have said I was sorry. Doesn't mean I haven't. But No Regrets.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
I made a poor decision on ending a relationship. I regret that I didn't stick with it.
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
i told a guy I had an abortion, when i wasn't even pregnant.
At 10:56 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
Note to Sublime!
I love hearing from you!
At 1:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
My dad died when I was 13. Weeks later I was crying in bed and my older sister asked if I was crying. I stifled my tears and said "no", and we both went to sleep. I thought I needed to be strong, I was embarassed that I missed him so much. It never occurred to me that she missed him too and maybe we could have cried together. My sister died 4 years later. We never got to grieve together.
At 3:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Too many, too painful, too sad to count. All those experiences were educational, however.
At 4:55 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
It happened recently: my sister and mother came into town because I had this round of appointments with doctors (my parents live 4 hours away and my sister lives 9, so it was kind of a big deal). Anyway, my dad stayed home because it was the middle of the week...after everything turned out ok, my sister and mother and I were so happy and relieved we went and had an early dinner and shopped a little and NO ONE CALLED MY DAD. He finally called at about 9:30 that night wondering...we felt awful...I still do. He was really forgiving but I know it really hurt his feelings.
At 1:06 AM,
Kat said…
I would go to my Grandmother's funeral (my Mom's mom) She was the first person close to me who ever died, I was absolutely terrified of going to the core of my being. I was supposed to go to field hockey camp the week of her wake/funeral (it was the summer of my 16th birthday) My Dad told me I didn't have to go, that it was ok, my Mom had lots of close family and it would be fine I should go to camp. I grabbed onto the lifeline of a cop out for dear life. I didn't go and I really hurt my Mother terribly. It was the next year that my Mom first really seriously had problems form her Bi-Polar disorder, and the first time I became aware that my Mom's mental health was even an issue. My not going didn't cause the issue at all and I know it. But it did drive a wedge between my Mom and I who had always been so close for the year before she went into crisis. Then we had a chasm...
I really think my youthful selfishness did a lot of damage to my relationship with my Mom and really made dealing with her mental illness much more difficult for me.
We've gotten through it and are really close now and my Mom is doing great.
But I really regret the callousness I showed at 16 to her and our relationship.
At 9:39 PM,
sdk said…
My mother called me saying that she was going to kill herself if I didn't arrive at her house within a half hour. I lived half hour away, I got pissed and told her that if she wanted to kill herself, then she outta just get it over with and quit screaming out for attention.
She was murdered a year later.
She had a lot of problems, including the ass she was married to. But, if I could change anything that I've ever said, that would be it.
At 9:40 PM,
sdk said…
WAIT! I didnt' live a half hour away. I lived three and a half hours away.
At 5:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
I would have not gone to college.
I was the only person in my family to ever graduate from college, and I got two degrees in four years, so I have a lot to be proud of. But I never thought that my achievements would alienate me from my family. My brothers and father resent that I'm educated. One reason I went to school was because my dad told me that I should. I guess he didn't realize that school would make me smarter than he is.
At 7:48 PM,
Chox said…
"I love you too."
But I'm not going to say who I said that to, and why I want to take it back.
At 2:59 PM,
pawzz said…
i told my adopted mom that she wasnt my REAL mom. I think I broke her heart that day
At 3:56 AM,
phosda said…
making deena and bess sleep on the window sill and in the tub, respectively. it was so mean. i did it because i could. 12 year old girls are awful.
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
I regret sending a very foul email to a friend of one of my boyfriends after finding out that he had disinvited us from his house and made some mildly racist comments about me in the process - comments he had not much intention of taking back, and to this day has never fully explained to any mutual friends why he said them. When I first found out what had happened, I got upset because it was the latest in a long line of situations at that time where I had to be the person taking the moral high road (because - seemingly - no one else would), and the frustration poured out onto the most convenient target. My attitude was so classless, fearful, and hateful that it's several years later and all of my relationships (personal and professional) are still recovering from missteps I made then.
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