The other night me and a friend of mine were driving home and got lost on a small country road due to a detour we were forced to take. The speed limit was 40 mph, which is how fast she was driving. A police car comes up behind her and has the lights flashing that appear on the back side of the roof (the front lights facing us were not flashing). We didn't know if we were getting pulled over, or what was going on. We kept driving and he stayed behind us. She asked me if we should pull over, and I said, well...I don't know! I said, if he was actually pulling us over, then wouldn't he be flashing his headlights at us or something? We were both cracking up laughing, not knowing what to do. At one point, she said "Are we in a high-speed chase?" because I'm not pulling over??!! "Maybe he's calling for back-up..." I said, let's slow down and pull over, just in case. Which we did, the police car went around us and kept going. When he passed us, we could see he had a person in his backseat headed off to jail. This must have been why he had his lights flashing.... I think this might be one of those "you just had to be there" Plus it was pitch black out on this road, 10:00 at night and we were VERY VERY tired so it all seemed funny at the time. :)
Sheer joy and laughter on Sunday. I was out in Western Maryland at a cook out/pool party. Great views of the mountains in the background and my partner's three neices (5, 7, & 9) all hanging on me at the same time in the pool begging me to toss them in the air over and over. Children's laughter is the best medicine.
A question for you sublime... You didn't end up at the beach in New Buffalo or near Heston's Steak House did you? Hope you went potty before you got in the car.
the other night i was watching "malcolm in the middle" and was laughing huge belly laughs...that show always makes me laugh...and the other day i was riding in the car w/my son and i forget what we were talking about but we ended up in a huge laughing fit...he always cracks me up =)...peace...
Reading the book, "Naked" by David Sedaris. I always get this book out and read it when I need a good laugh. I also always have a good laugh when I talk with my children about some of the experiences we had when they were growing up...these laughs are usually at the expense of all the goofy and strange people that we have had in our lives.
Yesterday in the car, I asked my son about his friends at school and in a totally serious voice he goes (he's four), ", I don't have any friends, duh." Then he busted out laughing. The kid has all kinds of friends, but he has managed to somehow pick up my's gonna wild ride, don't you think?
I laugh at our 2 German Shepherds every day. :) Both at their playing with each other, their extreme enthusiasm when my husband or I get home. Or when Ellie (our female) manages to sneak her tongue in and lick my lips. Yuck! :) [At least, unlike our male dog Boss, she does NOT eat poo!]
Laughing at my girl because she was stretching out my legs and I was in pain and she was cracking up which in return I was cracking up. Had me in tears.
A friend and I were devising a Burningman garment for me and fell into hysterics, I'm making it for Bman this year - I hope it makes others laugh as much as it did us!
when my autistic 3 year old looked at his 16 year old sister who was truly bugging him and said " You REALLY 'nnoyin' me now!" how perfect that a little boy with speech and social issues could say exactly the right thing at the right time, her face was a picture too!
Mikes post over at Random Ramblings. He was telling a story about a guy that would say "Praise The Lord" at the beginning of every sentence he said. And when he said "Praise the Lord, Mike, How are you" Mike replied with "Cursed, Tim. Thank you."
At 11:13 AM,
Sublime said…
The other night me and a friend of mine were driving home and got lost on a small country road due to a detour we were forced to take. The speed limit was 40 mph, which is how fast she was driving. A police car comes up behind her and has the lights flashing that appear on the back side of the roof (the front lights facing us were not flashing). We didn't know if we were getting pulled over, or what was going on. We kept driving and he stayed behind us. She asked me if we should pull over, and I said, well...I don't know! I said, if he was actually pulling us over, then wouldn't he be flashing his headlights at us or something? We were both cracking up laughing, not knowing what to do. At one point, she said "Are we in a high-speed chase?" because I'm not pulling over??!! "Maybe he's calling for back-up..." I said, let's slow down and pull over, just in case. Which we did, the police car went around us and kept going. When he passed us, we could see he had a person in his backseat headed off to jail. This must have been why he had his lights flashing.... I think this might be one of those "you just had to be there" Plus it was pitch black out on this road, 10:00 at night and we were VERY VERY tired so it all seemed funny at the time. :)
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sheer joy and laughter on Sunday. I was out in Western Maryland at a cook out/pool party. Great views of the mountains in the background and my partner's three neices (5, 7, & 9) all hanging on me at the same time in the pool begging me to toss them in the air over and over. Children's laughter is the best medicine.
At 12:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
A question for you sublime...
You didn't end up at the beach in New Buffalo or near Heston's Steak House did you? Hope you went potty before you got in the car.
At 1:10 PM,
Bent Fabric said…
This morning I laughed out loud at something my friend, House, said on his blog.
At 1:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Laughed at my Partner. She thinks she has me forever regardless of what she does/says/acts.
She was a little shocked by my finding that she didn't think she has to work at it so funny.
At 1:32 PM,
nancy =) said…
the other night i was watching "malcolm in the middle" and was laughing huge belly laughs...that show always makes me laugh...and the other day i was riding in the car w/my son and i forget what we were talking about but we ended up in a huge laughing fit...he always cracks me up =)...peace...
At 2:56 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Watching the movie D.E.B.S. yesterday.
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Reading the book, "Naked" by David Sedaris. I always get this book out and read it when I need a good laugh. I also always have a good laugh when I talk with my children about some of the experiences we had when they were growing up...these laughs are usually at the expense of all the goofy and strange people that we have had in our lives.
At 3:36 PM,
And the Past Recedes... said…
Yesterday in the car, I asked my son about his friends at school and in a totally serious voice he goes (he's four), ", I don't have any friends, duh." Then he busted out laughing. The kid has all kinds of friends, but he has managed to somehow pick up my's gonna wild ride, don't you think?
At 4:50 PM,
HappyKap said…
Watching Lucy (one of my dogs) bite at the water coming out of the hose. She was attacking it, but was afraid of it at the same time. It was too cute.
At 10:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I laughed when I was getting tickled today.
At 3:06 AM,
Sith Snoopy said…
I laugh at our 2 German Shepherds every day. :) Both at their playing with each other, their extreme enthusiasm when my husband or I get home. Or when Ellie (our female) manages to sneak her tongue in and lick my lips. Yuck! :) [At least, unlike our male dog Boss, she does NOT eat poo!]
At 9:27 AM,
sttropezbutler said…
Wasn't a thing, it was a person.
RQM really cracks me up.
At 10:05 AM,
I n g e r said…
My sister, talking about her husband. Marriage in general usually gives me a good laugh.
At 2:58 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
Laughing at my girl because she was stretching out my legs and I was in pain and she was cracking up which in return I was cracking up. Had me in tears.
At 2:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
A friend and I were devising a Burningman garment for me and fell into hysterics, I'm making it for Bman this year - I hope it makes others laugh as much as it did us!
At 2:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Daily Show
At 5:09 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
I watched "Dead Alive" on Sunday - Peter Jackson's zombie movie that came out in 1991? I laughed so hard I almost fell off the couch.
At 7:23 PM,
The other me said…
when my autistic 3 year old looked at his 16 year old sister who was truly bugging him and said " You REALLY 'nnoyin' me now!" how perfect that a little boy with speech and social issues could say exactly the right thing at the right time, her face was a picture too!
At 8:50 AM,
Kat said…
Jumping in puddles with my daughter
At 11:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:09 AM,
Sublime said…
Thanks for sharing that link... I cracked up and needed the laugh!
At 1:14 PM,
Robert said…
Chris Griffin! heh!
At 9:34 PM,
sdk said…
Mikes post over at Random Ramblings. He was telling a story about a guy that would say "Praise The Lord" at the beginning of every sentence he said. And when he said "Praise the Lord, Mike, How are you" Mike replied with "Cursed, Tim. Thank you."
LMAO...that cracked me up!
At 3:00 PM,
pawzz said…
my new kitty...Dusty...He fell back while trying to catch a string i was dangling
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