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At 10:35 AM,
Gnomeself Be True said…
I haven't been to one of those in many years.
My favorite part was the little kids running around saying "Hey mista. Give me a quoata."
At 11:09 AM,
SongBird said…
Our county fair is in September and I will definitely go to it. My mom and I usually enter some of our flowers. As an adult, I like the exhibits (especially when Mom and I win blue ribbons!). As a child, my favorite part was the cotton candy. I couldn't get cotton candy anywhere back then except at the fair.
At 11:40 AM,
Mind Sprite said…
I haven't been to the Oregon State Fair in several years. But my favorite parts were the llamas and the enormous, freakish vegetables.
I always like to play a few carnival games and ride on the swings.
At 12:17 PM,
danielle said…
nope, but i did go to great america in san jose. does that count?
At 7:50 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
...Haven't been to a fair in years. In times past, though, I always enjoyed the Harford (PA) Fair. They have an old one-room schoolhouse on the grounds which houses all sorts of incredible art, science and literary creations from children all over Northeastern PA.
At 12:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I haven't been to the fair in about 10 years... I would love to go, but rides for 6 children would just kill us... Not to mention the admission and parking and food... Yikes!
At 5:13 AM,
Fletch said…
Can we have some more 'International' themed questions please ;o) LOL
Ciao Caio
At 8:35 AM,
Sublime said…
Does the UK not have local fairs or festivals? Didn't even think about that when I posted it!
Take care,
At 10:31 AM,
Rebecca said…
Around my way - the fairs are in the fall. So my answer is "no". :)
At 6:33 AM,
Unknown said…
Last fall the Bio Club went together to the Topsfield Fair which is supposed to be the oldest in the US or something like it. I love the huge veggies and all the birds. I love ducks!
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