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At 11:21 AM,
Sublime said…
As a child (if you can't tell from the picture) my favorite cereal was Freakies. The cereal itself wasn't that good, but I liked the name and the prizes inside! Sadly, Freakies could also go in the "products no longer made" category.
My favorite cereal(s) now are Honey Bunches of Oats and Lucky Charms!
At 12:25 PM,
danielle said…
lucky charms. totally for the marshmallows.
At 12:36 PM,
SongBird said…
Honey Bunches of Oats with almonds
At 2:06 PM,
*** said…
I'm with SongBirg on the Honey Bunches of Oats. As a kid, it had to be Frosted Flakes or Coco Pebbles.
At 2:21 PM,
Pixie said…
Lucky Charms all the way!
At 6:42 PM,
arcane said…
Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch
At 8:00 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
My fave is no longer made, sadly... It was Kellogs' Cinni-bun Swirls! Now, I prefer Honey-Nut Cheerios, but there will always be a special place in my sugar-craving heart for Froot Loops!
At 9:07 PM,
Unknown said…
Seems like all I buy anymore is Kashi which is strange because I like other stuff a lot too. In my stash right now: Heart to Heart, Nuggets, and Mighty Bites! (I used to eat these in class all the time and if I got bored I would just scatter a few on the page and draw a picture for them...they are little people if you don't know.
At 12:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am a fan of Captain Crunch with berries
At 9:25 AM,
Heidi said…
Whenever I go on Vacation I treat myself to my Favs.. Fruit-Loops, Captain-Crunch, Golden Grahams.
On the morning of Aug 17th ..One of these will be filled in my cereal bowl :)
At 10:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
My guilty pleasure cereals are Cocoa pebbles, Reeses Puffs, Smores, and Lucky Charms..
Favorite healthy cereal is Kellogg's Raisin Bran..
At 11:25 AM,
Brown Shoes said…
cocoa krispies
At 4:00 AM,
Mind Sprite said…
Probably Fruit Loops. I eat them by the handfuls, right out of the box.
When I'm trying to keep off the sugar high, I like good old Cheerios.
At 4:03 PM,
Unknown said…
From my childhood that still stands- Cap'n Crunch! As an adult- Cap't Crunch!
At 7:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Berry Lucky Charms. They're even better than the chocolate.
At 2:29 AM,
Ed & Jeanne said…
Oh, I miss the days of Quest vs Quake cereal. But I'll have to go with Coco Puffs. After all, they are munchy, crunchy, chocolatey. I'm cuckoo for Coco Puffs!
At 12:32 AM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Lucky Charms.
Oh, and Honeycomb!
At 3:14 AM,
alan said…
Cocoa Pebbles...
At 5:28 AM,
Audi said…
The cereal that I enjoy most is nut and honey. Though they don't make it anymore. To replace it I would have to say Rasin Bran Crunch. YUM!!!
At 9:57 AM,
Fletch said…
I'm gonna join the ranks of the Cocco fans here.... Cocco Pops as there called over here in Blighty...
Ciao Caio
At 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ok, I'm wierd...just give me plain old granola with a dash of fat free french vanila creamer added to skim milk
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