The Big Question

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Two Hundred and Seventy Ninth Question

Do you have any favorite products that
are no longer produced?


  • At 1:57 PM, Blogger Sublime said…

    Yes! As you can tell from the cheesy Ebay photo, mine is Happy Daisy lotion from Bath & Body Works. To my dismay they stopped making it about 4-5 years ago. For awhile it was still offered on from the clearance warehouse, but even that has now stopped. The only place I can now find it is (of course) Ebay and I end up spending $25 - $30 on average for a bottle of it. I have no idea why they stopped making it, the bidding is always fierce for the auctions, so it was obviously popular. Plus, it was one of the few scents B&BW carried that didn't make you smell like some kind of food :)

  • At 3:29 PM, Blogger Brown Shoes said…

    Five Alive frozen juice concentrate
    Seven Up bars
    York Wintergreen patties
    Original SOS pads (without whatever is in the current
    slimy-soap version)
    Love's Slighty Wicked Lemon perfume
    Love's 4-scent perfume balm (in that cool little case)

  • At 4:02 PM, Blogger nancy =) said…

    usually make up...i buy make up so infrequently that when i go back to get something, like a blush or whatever, it is usually no longer available...

    there was a hair lightener product that i got at bath and body works one summer a few years ago and when i tried to get it again i was told it was a special promo and not something they'll carry more do i buy stuff from b&bw...

  • At 4:39 PM, Blogger Mind Sprite said…

    I used to love Bath & Body Works tangerine spice lotion. I don't shop there anymore and I think it's because they stop making the products that I like.

  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger *** said…

    I don't know if Chewy Sprees qualifies in this category, but I just can't find them anymore! It's so sad...

  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger House of Suz said…

    "Magic blue pills", I think they were Dimeatap decongestants. Yanked off the market because morons were making meth out of them. Cleared my sinuses (blue pills, not the meth) and cured a hangover.

  • At 7:58 PM, Blogger Asaph's Table said…

    Crystal Pepsi! That was one of the most unique sodas I ever had, plus it had the cool commercials featuring Van Halen's "Right Now."
    My wife, though, said she thought it tasted like kerosene. I never knew she drank petroleum products!

    Also, I really miss Acorn slippers. They were wool sock-style slippers with a genuine leather sole. I still have my old pair from 20 years ago; my wonderful wife keeps sewing them up for me...

  • At 11:53 PM, Blogger Elizabeth Taylor said…

    The Body Shop is notorious for pulling good stuff because they don't have a big enough demand for a particular product...they used to make this line of Ayurvedic products - one was called kapha and it was so great...I still have some of the lotion left...

  • At 1:28 AM, Blogger Angelina said…

    Once when I was much younger my mom gave me some make-up she didn't want and one of the items was a wonderful lipstick in a rust color that became my favorite. When it got low I tried to find a new tube of it but the company was french and no longer making that color. I still think about it sometimes when I'm trying to find new lipstick.

  • At 2:08 AM, Blogger Ed & Jeanne said…

    Pepsi in a 16oz glass bottle! I'm sorry, but it just tastes better from a bottle than from a can or god-help-us a plastic container.

    Every damn Nike shoe I've ever liked gets changed as soon as I wear them out. If you like it, buy two or three cause you'll never see it agin.

    Blueberry pop tarts without the frosting. All I can find without the frosting are strawberry (sorry, I will not do imitators).

    Tootsie Pop made a product that came in a roll like lifesavers but were essentially tootsie pops without the stupid stick pointing out of your mouth at people.

  • At 4:02 AM, Blogger Fletch said…

    45's!!!! :o(

    Ciao Ciao

  • At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yup, "Surface" cologne...the best ever...I've been buying a new bottle onlinee every couple years when I find one...

  • At 1:51 PM, Blogger Mind Sprite said…

    Oh, I forgot about Wacky Wafers. They used to come in a roll like Sweet Tarts. I so loved those things. I bought a roll every day in college! I still ocassionaly see them in a weird shaped box, but they are strange little shapes and you get about 1/4 of them you used to get in the roll. I still buy them, but I always feel like I'm getting ripped off.

  • At 5:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Always tennis shoes. I get trail running shoes because they are amazing and I can make them last for years but when I go to find a new pair...sigh.

    Also clear Pepsi. My mom would only give me a quarter in my lunch except on pizza days. I used to save my pizza money from monday and spread it out over the week so I could buy it at lunch. They should bring it back for an anniversary or something.

  • At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oooh. Happy Daisy was my first scent! Try finding it on the BBW website- sometimes you get strangely lucky. As for why...probably not popular enough, and BBW was still in its infancy if I recall. We're constantly adding new frangrances, but none new have been discontinued discontinued in the two years I've been there. As for non-food- I can suggest plenty...

  • At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HAPPY DAISY LOTION listed on eBay right now =D


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