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At 11:18 AM,
Gigi said…
Can I say right where I'm at....OLD definitely in body but not in spirit you know what maybe not even that OLD...more inquisitive now than ever.
But to answer your question the latter energy/youthful mind at an older age..
At 11:48 AM,
Mind Sprite said…
I'd take energy in my old age. In fact, I'd take energy right now at 33. Damn, I'm tired!
At 11:48 AM,
Mind Sprite said…
Beautiful picture, by the way!
At 12:56 PM,
alan said…
Since I am well past the first point I shall have to hope for the 2nd!
At 1:45 PM,
*** said…
The second...have the energy and mindset of a child at an elderly age. Learning through life is how you become the person you are today, so I wouldn't want the wisdom at a young age.
At 4:21 PM,
Pittchick said…
The latter. I would probably be a very jaded and cynical child if the former applied.
At 5:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Energy and mindset forever. I'll never grow up!
At 8:17 PM,
nancy =) said…
i'll take the latter...i grew up way too fast and knew way too much at a young age...although all that insight will come in handy in my old age...
At 8:39 PM,
SassyFemme said…
Energy and mindset of a child at an older age, as long as it wasn't the mindset due to Alzheimer's! :)
At 11:25 PM,
ToadyJoe said…
You've lured me out of lurkdom with this one. Definitely, absolutely the latter. But I'm kinda assuming that the wisdom would ALSO come with the age. Like Sassy said - I wouldn't necessarily want the energy & youthful mind that comes with alzheimers.
At 8:19 AM,
Clandestine said…
2nd, too!
At 10:33 AM,
Robert said…
Yeah, the latter. But I think I already possess the mindset of a child already! hahaha!
At 5:30 AM,
DayDreamer said…
I wouldn't have minded having a little more wisdom during my earlier years, to save wincing at memories of those times. However, energy in my old age would probably make a huge difference and so I'll go for that.
At 8:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
yeah the energy.
At 6:37 PM,
AKH said…
I'd rather have the wisdom. I'm all about working smart and not hard. :)
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