One Hundred and Twenty Eighth Question
Happy Holidays!
For those of you that celebrate Christmas, what day do you usually open presents? Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
For those of you that celebrate Christmas, what day do you usually open presents? Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
At 9:54 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
We all open 1 gift on Christmas Eve, and the rest Christmas morning.
The best gift, to me, this year, has come this whole season as the season has been a very enriching spiritual experience for me. I know, I know, so many out there don't even feel it's right to speak the word "Christmas," but if all it is to you is a materialistic day, fine. Let it be that, at least! My gift to all of you is that however you feel about the holidays, and whatever faith you practice, that you will find and enjoy a season of deep peace this year. Blessings and Merry Christmas!
At 2:34 AM,
whispers said…
christmas eve as a child was a trip to chicago to be with the elder relatives, drive home and crash. being the only kids, and the next youngest were our parents was not fun. then christmas morn was our own.
MY traditions are similar, but no oldies on the eve....the kids did the every other year with dad thing when they were young, so our christmas those years was on new years day. but christmas eve is now filled with visitors or decorating the tree. chrismas morning is "the special part" with stockings and hot cocoa in pj's. then comes the cooking and entertaining, and then sappy movies and collapse.
as for the meaning of the holiday.....IMHO its love and sharing...of your self, your gifts, things, thoughts, love....
Happy, Merry to all!
At 2:07 PM,
Margaret said…
christmas day...
At 3:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
When I was growing up, it was always one present on Christmas Eve... and my parents always made sure it was something we could "play" with that night. My husband is threatening now that we can't do that with our children. That was always one of the funnest parts of Christmas was getting one little "peak" the night before. It made the wait a little more tolerable, and fun to look under the tree and try to figure out which one to open on the Eve. My husband, however says that christmas presents should only be opened on CHRISTMAS, and there will be no cheating! I don't kow what we will do :-/
At 6:24 PM,
Sariah said…
Christmas presents are to be opened only on Christmas Day!! My birthday is Christmas Eve, and my family has always been wonderful about letting it be MY special day since that was tradition in our family (birthdays are a big deal to us). Now that I'm married and have kids, my husband also tries to make my birthday special, so Christmas Eve is my day and Christams Day is family day.
Also as a kid, we were allowed to have whatever was in our stockings as soon as we got up in the morning, but had to wait for Mom and Dad to get up before we could open any presents. My husband's house was basically the same, so that's what we do with our kids.
At 3:06 AM,
AKH said…
We spend Christmas Eve with the extended family and exchange gifts, but Christmas morning is when we open gifts from the immediate family.
At 1:02 PM,
danielle said…
both. my parents are divorced so i always had one "christmas morning" on christmas eve and the other on the 25th.
At 3:08 AM,
Ace of Spades said…
At 12:16 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
One present on Christmas Eve, as well as anything mailed to us from out of town (aunts, friends, etc). The rest on Christmas day. If I ever have kids, I'll do the same, since my partner had basically the same tradition.
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