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At 2:27 PM,
MrRyanO said…
Only once, but I was clsoe enough to home to walk and get the gas can...I think there was a burrito joke in here somewhere too...
At 5:32 PM,
Sariah said…
I only did once. We were on our way home from church and driving up a hill... suddenly the car just stopped running! It was kind of funny. We weren't far from home, so we walked home. Then my husband went to a nearby gas station with a gas can, and all was well.
At 6:15 PM,
phoenix said…
No, but I've pushed the envelope a number of times.
At 12:38 AM,
Robert said…
Late at night from Phoenix to LA. There's this one stretch of hwy with a 70mi span from one gas station to the next. I almost made it. I walked a mile or two before the cop picked me up!
It was a beautiful night. Tho it was inconvenient, I'm glad it happened!
At 2:05 AM,
Mind Sprite said…
Yup, the very first tank of gas in my new VW beetle in high school. I learned two things that gas gauge was broken and that I could go 204 miles on a full tank!
At 2:11 PM,
danielle said…
no, and i don't understand how this happens. no offense to you, if it has, but come on people...your gas light goes off, the needle is on E, GO TO THE F'ING GAS STATION! if you're not sure you can make it where you're going, play it safe.
i think the only excuses are (a) if there just isn't a gas station (robert) or (b) you don't have any money/cash on you to buy gas.
At 2:28 PM,
Felicia the Geeky Blogger said…
When I was in high school I drove a Chevy Truck that had a non-working gas gauge. It was always running out gas and each/everytime (since this was before cellphones)...I hoofed it everytime :)
At 3:35 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
It wasn't actually me. I was working for a travelling sporting goods company years ago, going from Minneapolis to Scranton, PA, and our driver ran us dry in the middle of the Ohio Turnpike. The nearest exit was 4 miles back, so he had to walk back, get a 1-gallon can, walk back, and then fill us up at the next exit. In all, we were stranded about 3 hours, and we didn't have a cell phone...
At 6:37 PM,
Connie in FL said…
In the late 70's I had a flower shop in a small town. I parked my car in the "uptown municipal lot" (about 30 spaces) which was behind our shop next to the Methodist Church. To get to the lot I had to go out the front door, around the drugstore and down the alley.
One night I was last to leave and we'd had an ice storm. I carefully made my way to the lot (only falling twice in the alley) where mine was the lone vehicle.
After several minutes of trying and heating my key with a lighter I made my way inside. I stuck my key in the ignition and turn the engine over setting the heat and defrost at full blast. The ice scraper didn't do much but my trusty Master Card worked great. After clearing a hole large enough to see out the car stopped dead. ARHG!
A careful trek back to the shop (back door inaccessible from the outside after locking from the inside) where I phoned my not too thrilled husband who delivered a can of gas.
Another journey back to the lot to meet him at the car.... it was right about the time we changed to unleaded fuel. When he got there with the gas can the nozzle wouldn't fit into the opening so he had to hold the thing open to get the gas inside. NOT a good evening.
At 9:47 PM,
Elizabeth Taylor said…
Nope, never happened to me. I am a master procrastinator, even when it defies good sense. It will's just a question of when...
At 7:59 PM,
nancy =) said…
i ran out once right as i pulled into the gas station...the guy pushed my car to the pump...i ran out another time right in my town and called someone and they brought me gas...just this mornng my husband ran out about a mile or 2 from our house...i brought him gas but as he was pouring it in it went all over him, his clothes, shoes, car, the ground...yuck...
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