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At 4:22 PM,
Asaph's Table said…
This one's an easy one for me...
For years, I was essentially married to the church. It was my whole life. Over the course of a couple years, nearly everyone my family and I knew in the church stabbed us in the back or severely let us down. We bitterly turned our backs on the church.
For months, I stewed and seethed with anger, almost to the point of hatred. One day I realized it was affecting my home life, so I went down to the church one Sunday evening to figuratively close the door on this disfunctional relationship.
There were only a few people in church that evening, and I had the chance to talk with most of them, including the pastor. They all sincerely wished me well, understanding that's not where my life was anymore.
I left relieved that my last experience in those 4 walls was a pleasant one, and now I've been able to move on without feelings of rage or malice. By far, the BEST good-bye I ever spoke.
At 4:25 PM,
Mind Sprite said…
Saying goodbye to my unhappy marriage. I left behind so much pain and started on a new life path that has brought me so much happiness and joy. I should have done it years earlier. I haven't regretted if for one single moment since, so I knew it was the right decision.
At 7:33 PM,
danielle said…
i think it was my "goodbye" to texas - when i moved to california in july of 2005. it was a close to what i consider my "childhood" and the first moment i truly realized i was on my own. it was the first decision i had made for ME and not anybody else.
At 10:16 AM,
Gigi said…
When my daughter moved all the way to Los Angelos and I was sincerely happy for her instead of focused on how much I was going to miss her.
At 5:15 AM,
Fletch said…
Cant say, but the course of antibiotics worked ;o)
Ciao Ciao
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