The Big Question

Question yourself. Post your own answer. Give to receive.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Three Hundred and Thirty Seventh Question

When is the last time you slammed your finger in a car door?

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  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger danielle said…

    wow, i can't even remember. one time i smashed my finger in the apartment door and the whole nail fell off. it was gross.

  • At 2:06 PM, Blogger Pixie said…

    It has been a long time, probably 10 years.

  • At 7:03 PM, Blogger nancy =) said…

    i can't recall...


  • At 7:54 PM, Blogger Asaph's Table said…

    There's certain things you can't forget no matter how hard you try.
    I was about 7, and the fam was just about ready to leave for a summer camping trip in the Adirondacks. WHAM. Wince. SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEAM.
    I only ended up with a couple of bruised fingers, but it delayed our vacation by an hour or so. My brother was so irritated with me.

  • At 4:09 AM, Blogger Fletch said…

    Ummm... who would be daft enuf to do something like that?.... (It was you wasn't it Sublime... :o))) )

    Nope, always managed to understand the physics involved in removing myself from between two bits of fast moving steel... :o)

    Ciao Ciao

  • At 4:38 AM, Blogger alan said…

    It's been a long time for that forte seems to be finding ways to whack my head...

    Even climbing onto my forklift gets me once in a while!



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